Creative Photography 1
- Kód:
- 307ECP1
- Zakončení:
- KZ
- Kredity:
- 2
- Rozsah:
- 2/T
- Vyučující:
- Štěpán Grygar
- Anotace:
Course Outline: The purpose of this seminar is for the students to master the rules of composition which serve as the necessary base for further creative work within the upcoming years of their studies.
Course Description: What I consider important is the students? ability of independent work which should express itself even within this seminar. This is the reason why I have specified individual parts of the assignment in such a way that they would provide sufficient space for the student?s own creativity, which nevertheless is subject to technical quality.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Assignments: (assignment 1P6)
Create 8 photographs of spatial objects, which will separately emphasize the following:
1. flat and linear composition
2. rhythm
3. balanced composition
4. dynamic composition
A higher level of abstraction is recommended. Composition of all photographs must be inventive. Assignments 2-4 should fit together
Technical requirements: Assignment 1 must be done through traditional negative/positive process without consequent digital manipulation and format of the positive is to be at least 30x40 cm. The rest of assignments can be black & white or color photographs, or digital prints. Format will be approved by the teacher.
Deadlines: The schedule will be announced during the course. All assignments have to be finished by the end of the summer semester.
Grading:Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, as well as participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course.
Name of the Lecturer: Štěpán Grygar
Contact: 732 661 938
Consultation Hours: Lažanský Palace, Wednesday
- Studijní materiály:
Arnheim Rudolf. Art and Visual Perception, University of
California Press, London 1997
Baxandall Michael, Stíny a světlo, Barrister & Principal, Brno 2003
Berger John, Ways of Seeing, London, Penguin Books 1979
Francastel Pierre, Malířství a společnost, Barrister & Principal, Brno 2003
Coleo Alison, Eyewitness Art-Composition, Dorling Kinsley Limited, London 1992
Kent Sarah. Eyewitness Art-Composition, Dorling Kinsley Limited, London 1995
Gombrich E. H. Art and Illusion, Princeton University Press 2000, Princetown and Oxford
Kandinsky Wassily. Bod, Linie, Plocha, Triáda, Praha 2000
- Poznámka: