Digital Imaging 1
- Kód:
- 307EDI1
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 1
- Rozsah:
- 13/S
- Vyučující:
- Tomáš Dvořák
- Anotace:
The course is focused on extending digital photography knowledge and practice to the level of pre-print preparation, emphasizing the creative side of printing design. The course is closely connected with the course „Typography and Graphic Design“ which includes working with the program Adobe InDesign. Lessons are aimed at perfect mastering of digital print so that students are able to present their photographies - prints in the exhibition quality. If permitted by finances, piezography - carbon print would be also presented to give a perfect scale in a monochrome print.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Method of Study:
All processing will be made on computers in the computer room and will be presented step by step and practised by students. Individual themes: curves and levels, tonality, chroma, focusing. Work with layers and coloured channels. Multiexposure in layers - creative montage - penetration. Work with coloured ICC profiles in print. Graphic and photographic papers. Differences between print preview and proof control. Problems of monochrome print. Carbon print technology. Theoretical and practical part will be completed with discussions.
The study program will be adjusted according to the level of students' knowledge and students may be sorted into individual levels of teaching.
Lessons: a block of 4 lessons once a fortnight, of which 2 lessons are exercises and discussions.
Tasks: (exercise 2P7)
1 photography „Modern Still Life with Neutral Metal Objects on a Coloured Background“, print format A3. To be evaluated at the end of the summer semester.
Evaluation: Classified credit - summer semester: awarded on the basis of evaluation of the submitted exercise where accurate observation of assignment, quality of processing and activity in seminars will be evaluated.
Participation: Student's obligatory participation in 80% of lectures and participation in obligatory common tutorials will be the precondition for the student's evaluation.
Consulting hours: Friday - even weeks 12:20 pm - 1:55 pm, other times by special agreement via telephone call Lecturer's name: MgA. Tomáš Dvořák
Contact: 602 221 231,
- Studijní materiály:
- Poznámka: