History of Czech Art
- Kód:
- 307EHA
- Zakončení:
- ZK
- Kredity:
- 3
- Rozsah:
- 2/T
- Vyučující:
- Anotace:
Basic introduction of a czech art in an european context. It is concentrated to problems, periods and works, which base the specifics of a czech art, compared with another national arts. Most of the lectures are in the direct contact with choice prague colletions and sights.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Identification with basic collection of czech art works and their contextual interpretation. Preparation a choice thems for an exam.
1.Birth of the czech art - preromanesque art. Questions of imports and social and spatial diferenciation of art- romanesque.
2.Romanesque inertia and beginning of gothic in czech lands. Gothic and birth of urban art. Question of East and West.
3.Art and representation of emperor and empire versus art of court and its exclusivity - art of Charles IV and Wenceslas IV. Czech „beautiful style“ and european art.
4.Hussite iconoclasm and extra-time of Middle Ages (restoration after Hussits). Late gothic in renaissance sceneries? Renaissance and court, aristocracy and townpeople.
5.Internacional art of Rudolf II' s court in Prague.
6.Baroque between import and assimilation.
7.Czech dynamic baroque and Europe.
8.Czech classicism and romanticism. Problem of a national art.
9.Program of national art and its impletion. National art and art of empire. Problem of historicism.
10.Coming of modernism as a problem of relationship between national and modern. Resources of czech modernism.
11.Specific of czech cubism. Czech cubist architecture and its world uniqueness.
12.Creation of Czechoslovak Republic and new national art program Purism, functionalism, poetism and surrealism between national and international.
13.Problem of socialist realism. Official and unofficial art. Reflection of world progression and home tradition.
Verbal exam consists of two parts:
1.Comparative reflection confronting the czech art with choice national art using a concrate art works.
2.Identification and analysing czech art works given by a teacher.
Theme 1: 40%
Theme 2: 30%
Discussions during the course: 30%
Supervised by: PhDr. Vladimír Czumalo
Contact: +420 606 574 878, czumalo@orloj.cz
- Studijní materiály:
All pictures which knowing is needed for exam are in:
Dějiny českého výtvarného umění I (ed. Chadraba Rudolf). Praha 1984.
Dějiny českého výtvarného umění II (ed. Dvorský Jiří). Praha 1989.
Dějiny českého výtvarného umění III (ed. Petrasová Taťána - Lorenzová Helena). Praha 2001.
Dějiny českého výtvarného umění IV (ed. Lahoda Vojtěch - Nešlehová Mahulena - Platovská Marie - Švácha Rostislav - Bydžovská Lenka). Praha 1998.
Anděl Jaroslav, The New Vision for the New Architecture. Czechoslovakia 1918 - 1938. Prague 2005, ISBN 80-7209-690-7
Blažíčková-Horová Naděžda, Czech 19th-Century Painting. Prague 1998, sine ISBN
Durdík Tomáš - Benešovská Klára - Chotěbor Petr - Dragoun Zdeněk, Architecture of the Romanesque. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-86161-42-0
Durdík Tomáš - Plaček Miroslav - Benešovská Klára - Chotěbor Petr - Prix Dalibor - Razim Vladislav, Architecture of the Gothic. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-86161-43-9
The Glory of the Baroque in Bohemia. Art, Culture and Society in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-7035-255-8
Kaufmann Thomas DaCosta, Court, Cloister and City: The Art and Culture of Central Europe, 1450-1800. Chicago 1997. ISBN 0-226-42730-7
Kotalík Jiří T., Architecture of the Baroque. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-86161-45-5
Lahoda Vojtěch - Srp Karel - Bydžovská Lenka, Czech Art 1900 - 1990. Prague 1998, ISBN 80-7010-065-6
Lukeš Zdeněk, Architecture of the 20th Century. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-86161-47-1
Muchka Ivan Prokop: Architecture of the Renaissance. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-86161-44-7
Primus Zdenek, Art is Abstraction. Czech Visual Culture of the sixties. Prague 2003, ISBN 80-86217-28-0
Royt Jan, Medieval Painting in Bohemia. Praha 2003, ISBN 80-246-0266-0
Švácha Rostislav, The Pyramid, the Prism & the Arc. Czech cubist architecture 1911 - 1923. Prague 2000, ISBN 80-86010-36-8
Švácha Rostislav, The Architecture of New Prague 1895-1945. Cambridge, Mass 1994, ISBN 0-262-19358-2
Zatloukal Ondřej, Architecture of the 19th Century. Prague 2001, ISBN 80-86161-46-3
- Poznámka:
On alternate year for 2. and 3. class (2006/07).