Studio Photography 1
- Kód:
- 307ESF1
- Zakončení:
- KZ
- Kredity:
- 2
- Rozsah:
- 2/T
- Vyučující:
- Josef Ptáček
- Anotace:
Course Outline
The purpose of this seminar is to teach the students how to control all kinds of lights at studio.
For example bulbs and flash lights, with cooperation with reflection desks.
Course Description:
The purpose of this assignment is for the students to become familiar with studio photography.
It will be achieved by approaching human head as a spatial object, working with body and issues related to human figure and figural composition. The following will be covered as well: artificial light, flash light, modulated daylight and their combination, lighting exposure metering, working with model. This is about practical photographic exercise in a studio in its original sense.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Portrait Figure Figural Composition
4 + 4 = 8 black & white photographs of 30 x 40 cm format
Part A
1. Official portrait / I.D. photo
2. Head as a subject matter ? spatial object / study of light
3. Creative portrait
4. Self-portrait/ emphasis on the visual aspect as well as the subject matter.
Part B
5. Body / anatomical depiction
6. Figure / emphasis on mood and creative expression
7 - 8. Figural composition / 2 and more models.
Graded credit: given on the basis of evaluation of the submitted assignments with respect to the technical quality and original instructions. Participation: the basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures together with his or her participation in mandatory joint consultations dates of which will be specified in the beginning of the course.
Supervised by: Josef Ptáček
Contact:, phone 274818105 602461949
- Studijní materiály:
Feininger Andreas: School of Modern photography, Škola moderní fotografie, Orbis Praha 1971
Mark Mary Elen: Portraits Nathan Paris 1997
Monography of well know photographers: Steichen, Pinkava, Leibovitz, Ludwig, Penn, Newton, Karsh, Ehm, Sudek, Saudek, Sander, etc.....
- Poznámka: