Workshop 5
- Kód:
- 307EW5
- Zakončení:
- KZ
- Kredity:
- 3
- Rozsah:
- Vyučující:
- Jaroslav Bárta
- Anotace:
The focus and content of the workshop change every year based on a workshop supervisor who is an important personality from the field of still photography or fine art. In such a way students have a chance to learn various creative approaches and to complement their education in the field they like. The 3rd and 4th year students are obliged to attend two workshops, the 5th year students are obliged to attend one workshop.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
After having agreed with the Head of the Department each studio supervisor shall offer 2 - 3 workshops per year. Apart from that other two workshops may be offered by the Head of the Department focussing on areas beyond studios` scope of activity.
The workshops` content is a joint work including students` individual approach to the topic assigned confronted with opinions and experience of the workshop supervisor. It is based on the personality of the lecturer invited.
The workshop envisages presentation of works and joint discussion about them.
Workshops may last one or two semesters.
Specific assignments based on the workshop focus farmed out by the supervising workshop lecturer as specified in the curricula and at the beginning of the workshop.
Graded credit: Based on the assignment fulfilment, quality of and approach to workshop activity and based on the presentation of students` own works.
Students may be graded if they have attended 60% of lectures, participated in obligatory joint consultations set at the beginning of the course, and submitted their work outcomes and assignments as agreed in digital form in TIF format, with 300 dpi resolution and longer side of the photograph being 250 mm.
- Studijní materiály:
- Poznámka: