Non-Linear Narrative Seminar

Pavel Jech

Modulová výuka FAMU International proběhne v angličtině pondělí 20. 3. a úterý 21. 3. od 10-17h v učebně 3.

Cíle studia:
Osnova (a sylabus):

If you're tired of being told that you can't write a multi-strand film or that flashbacks are lazy storytelling, then this two-day seminar with guest tutor Linda Aronson will be a welcome relief. Linda is the first to provide practical guidelines on how to write, what she dubs, non-linear films or 'parallel narrative' films, and is currently the only person to teach a course internationally on these difficult forms. Her book Screenwriting Updated: New and Conventional Ways of Writing for the Screen, in which these theories are set out, is now required reading for all new film students at NYU and other film schools in the USA, UK and continental Europe. Fascinating material for anyone interested in non-conventional screenwriting and ideal for experienced screenwriters looking to express ideas through more complex narrative structures.

Over a two day course, four different categories of non-linear films will be isolated and defined: Flashback (such as Ray), Tandem (such as Traffic), Sequential (such as Pulp Fiction) and Multiple Protagonist (such as The Big Chill). Close examination of each form will reveal how such films rely on splitting up, multiplying or truncating the basic three act structure of traditional screenwriting; and particular attention will be given to the question of whether these evolving forms represent 'the death of the second act'.

In addition, consideration will be given to those stories that are exposition-heavy and cannot be told suspensefully except via a non-linear form.

Linda's course gives practical guidelines for writing in each form by reference to over eighty films from a range of countries.



Key elements of Conventional Narrative and Four Families of Flashback Part 1

Key elements of three act structure used in non-linear structures: turning points, circle structure, action and relationship lines. Traditional suspense techniques. The notion of one protagonist, many antagonists. Mentor antagonists and narrative ?point of view?. Getting into the non-linear mindset.

Flashback Families Part 2

Material that suits flashback. Detective story of the human heart. Multiple protagonists, multiple antagonists, Points of view. Concentric Circles. Driving past and present stories. Flashback as illustration. Book End Flashback. Triggering Crisis, Flashback as Thwarted dream. Enigmatic Outsider, investigator characters. Inventing multiple protagonists. Case History Flashback, Incremental Flashback (Life changing incident) Autobiographical flashback. Flash Forwards. Centre-split flashback

Sequential Narrative (stories told in sequence linking at the end)

Connection and building jeopardy without chronological progression. Connections through time, underclass. Violence and/or the bizarre for pace. Portmanteau Structure. *Films referred to include: Pulp Fiction, Run Lola Run, Amores Perros,City of God, Go, Buttoners

Non-Linear Double Journeys

Double Journeys with flashback. *Films referred to include: The Odyssey, Finding Nemo/Cold Mountain, O Brother Where are Thou? Bad Education


Tandem Narrative (equally-weighted stories running together)

Theme and the macro plot. Connections: facilitating characters; macro; geography; interconnecting stories. Truncation. Problems of improvisation with actors. *Films referred to include: Traffic, City of Hope, Magnolia, Lantana, Short Cuts, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Gosford Park

Multiple Protagonist/Antagonist structures (group stories)

Survival Macro and death. Dominant character, outsider, traitor within. Multiple protagonists, multiple antagonists. Limits on numbers. Other archetypes. Connections through past and present. Backstory problems. Connections through plot stranding. Relationship line conflicts. Missions (including ?one last job?,?let?s put on a show? ?the Cinderella sports team?), Sieges, Reunions. Multiple plot triangles. When a story involving a group is not a multiple protagonist/antagonist structure. Story telling problems. When is it Multiple Protagonist and when is it Tandem?

Studijní materiály:
Platnost dat k 5. 6. 2006
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