Interactive Media Workshop
- Kód:
- 373MIMW
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 3
- Rozsah:
- 24/S
- Vyučující:
- Pavel Jech
- Anotace:
Modulová výuka FAMU International proběhne ve dnech 18-19. 11. 2005 a 25-26. 11. 2005 v učebně 3 a střižně avid od 10-18h v angličtině pro maximálně 3 české studenty.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Interactive Moving Images: A practical and theoretical workshop
Chris Hales, London
Summary: Design and production of interactive and/or non-linear narratives made from ?live-action? video footage and using desktop techniques.
Language: English
Course duration: 5 full days (1 academic week) but spread over two consecutive weekends.
Class size: 16 or less (actually participating in the workshop) However, the first day could be open to a bigger audience.
An exciting and enjoyable chance not only to learn about the possibilities of interactive video but to actually create one! Little previous knowledge is required except creative imagination and the enthusiasm to experiment with video and digital authoring techniques under the leadership of one of the world's most experienced interactive film experts. The workshop starts with lectures and case-studies, during which time students think up their own ideas - these can subsequently be filmed and authored on the FAMU equipment. The course is not overly technical ( but technical instruction in actual production techniques will always be given where appropriate) and uses „low cost“ desktop equipment, concentrating on innovative and aesthetic issues rather than detailed technical complexities of delivery platform and software. ALL different genres of interactive movies will be explored, and it is anticipated that student's final projects might include interactive fiction films, videoart, documentaries, games, music videos, interactive TV pilots, and installation art.
Course Aim:
To investigate experimentally and practically the ways in which non-linear and/or interactive narratives can be created using 'live-action' video segments and to produce a self-initiated working example of an interactive movie. Students can work individually or can form small project groups, and tuition will be a mixture of formal lectures, tutorials, screenings, individual project assistance, and simple technical demonstrations.
The workshop covers all delivery methods where interactivity can be combined with moving image: for example in areas such as interactive TV, cdrom and DVD, and broadband. Concepts discussed will not be platform specific and will include drama, non-fiction, artworks, games, and advertising. The main aim is for students to solve design issues at both the conceptual and practical stages, and to make a „demo“ from which user feedback could be obtained.
1) To understand the theories of non-linear structure
2) To understand ways in which digitised video footage can be used within interactive media.
3) To gain a working practical knowledge of desktop digital video and editing.
4) To gain a working practical knowledge of multimedia authoring
5) To maintain the learning experience in the English language through ability to articulate, understand and present ideas.
6) To broaden knowledge of the ways that individuals and organisations have experimented with interactive moving images.
7) To solve design issues when moving images are combined with interactivity.
Required experience:
Participants must be familiar with using desktop computers. Any previous use of Macromedia Director would be beneficial but not essential.
Assessment Criteria
To get accreditation for the course, a student must
- present an individual idea proposal on Sunday 20 November
- actively contribute to the production of a project
- present a practical outcome on Sunday 27 November
- Studijní materiály:
- Poznámka: