Lost Weekend
- Kód:
- 373MLW
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 2
- Rozsah:
- Vyučující:
- Pavel Jech
- Anotace:
Modulová výuka FAMU International proběhne v neděli 30. 4. a v pondělí 1. 5. od 10-18h v učebně 3.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
The critic/director and the director of photography collaboration brings the near and for the audience easily controllable view on the possibilities of the camera usage in the portraying of the personalities or the situations as Karel Slach as the master of Czech documentary images masters for years and Martin Fisher describes in his work.
Such approach can be used for the student's future small jobs in the fields of documentary film and TV, TV profiles, Internet and other journalistic profiles and interview's illustrations or even often work in the theatre or school recordings in original but also the most informative and esthetical ways.
Martin Fisher as the director and author of the critical articles, animated and documentary shorts is skilled in the original interviewing of the artistic celebrities especially concerning the world of the humor and Karel Slach over the years developed his own original theories and system on the differences between usage of the film camera / the wide and small objectives and even the usage of the small electronical cameras.
Přednášející: Martin Fisher and Karel Slach
Termíny a místo konání: neděle 30. 4. 2006 od 13-17h a pondělí 1. 5. 2006 od 11h-18h v učebně 3, FAMU
Podmínky atestace: Zá/2 - za 100% aktivní účast, workshop probíhá v angličtině maximálně pro 5 českých studentů
- Studijní materiály:
- Poznámka: