Photo workshop Revolution
- Kód:
- 373MPWR
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 2
- Rozsah:
- Vyučující:
- Pavel Jech
- Anotace:
Modulová výuka FAMU International proběhne v angličtině 18-25. 2. od 10-17h v učebně 3 nebo v AMULAB Beroun.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Revolution + Time, Experience & Identity in Photographic Work
David Miller (Canada)
February 18 - 25, 2006
We consider the image as a soft, information-rich surface. As bodies of light, without mass, images create space by acting on and illuminating receptive surfaces. How do photographs depict time, transition and change? What supporting devices or contexts play their part in forming photographic meaning? Concerning the subject, what of individual, personal and collective experience escapes representation? We look at and discuss photographic works as information, as art and as consumer fetish in the context of documentary and other creative practices concerned with conceptual time, expressions of identity and lived experience. Be prepared to form working groups and to produce a project/work for public presentation. Everyone welcome.
- Studijní materiály:
- Poznámka: