Final Commission (klauzura) 3

Jaroslav BÁRTA

The final examination of the year, in which the student presents work he has done in his studying programme. The Photo Series for Exhibition is the main part the student defends. The examination board of teachers assess the Photo Series and completion of all assignments. According to that they decide on the contents of the final examination.

Cíle studia:
Osnova (a sylabus):

Course Description:

This is the final examination of the year. In it, the student presents work he or she has done during the year according to the year s curriculum (RUP) as well as work made in workshops which he or she has signed up for.

At the final examination the student also presents a written report on the course and current state of his or her final theoretical essay. The report must be signed by the student s supervisor.

The Photo Series for Exhibition is the main part of the final exams, and can be presented as a work in progress, from which, however, the final form it will be presented at the Bachelor s examination must be clear. It is defended by the student.

The Final Photo Series can be later presented in the Bachelor programme examination. It is therefore assessed only within the bounds of its meeting the year's requirements needed for completing the third year. The Photo Series of Exhibition, if presented by the student, is assessed and graded in the final Bachelor programme examination. Accepting it within the Final Commission examination does not in any way anticipate its later evaluation nor does it necessarily imply its acceptance in the State final exams for the Bachelor programme!

A condition of awarding the graded credit is the presentation of the required practicals in electronic form, mainly the Photo Series for Exhibition.


The examination includes assessment of all assignments of the year taking into account the Exhibition Series and its defence.

A condition for assessment is the handing-in of all photographs in digital form in TIF format with a resolution of 300 dpi and the longer side of each photograph being 250 mm.

Consultations: posted by the teacher

Time and place:

Regular autumn date: September - the precise date and hour will be posted on the notice-board of the Department of Photography.

Studijní materiály:
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
Platnost dat k 23. 4. 2007
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