Final Exam on History of Photography
- Kód:
- 307EFHP
- Zakončení:
- ZK
- Kredity:
- 3
- Rozsah:
- Vyučující:
- Anotace:
Final exam is aimed attesting the students knowledge (mostly based strictly on facts) received through the both semesters. Ability to put the history of photography in to art history and history context is expected.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Students can sign in when they have fulfilled all the duties necessary for history of Photography I and II courses (participation and presentation.)
Presentation 40%
Final written and following oral test: 40%
Participation in History of Photography course discussions: 10%
Participation at lectures10% (minimum is 60%)
Name of Lecturer: Robert Silverio, Pavel Scheufler
Contact: 267 711 836, 281 970 539, 602 613 194
- Studijní materiály:
See literature in History of Photography I and II
- Poznámka:
On alternate year for 1. and 2. class (2007/08).
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)