Introduction Information on Czech Lands
- Kód:
- 307EICL
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 2
- Rozsah:
- 13/S
- Vyučující:
- Kateřina KLARICOVÁ
- Anotace:
The seminar is programmed as an introduction to Czech culture with an outline of the Czech history. It is on the one thousand years - and more - of the country as a part of central European existence, the years of the Bohemian (Czech) kingdom, since 1918 the Czechoslovak republic and now the Czech republic, a NATO and EU member. However, also on the years of suppression by the feudal and/or more sophisticated modern standards. While the seminar certainly does not compete with a guided tour on Prague, it will be helped by the students? researching the country?s existence from their own point of view. No minute knowledge of the Bohemian (Czech/Moravian) history and literature and the arts is required, however, reading some of the Czech authors is recommended. Also visiting Czech - esp. when in town the Prague - museums and galleries is advisable. The Czech republic not being a large country, the students will be recommended to travel and see the different regions of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. As the country is repeatedly proclaimed as belonging to the central European area - which may have a special meaning in the historical and cultural sense - seeing neighboring places like Vienna in Austria, Krakow in Poland, Bratislava in Slovakia and Budapest in Hungary would be good to understand the place better on the comparative basis. - The students will be required to write short essays on the themes of the seminar and bring into the debates their own qualified views on the subjects of the seminar. It is advisable that the students keep a journal of the information they are getting and also on their own ideas and experiences and views on the matters connected with the theme of their studies.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
The essays of about three pages will be based on the different themes of the lectures. Students will be also advised reading of literature connected to the program of the seminar. Also oral informative contributions on the subject will be supplied by the students.
Literature and sources used for the students? essays etc. must be fully quoted for the benefit of the other students.
The students qualified taking part in the debates at the seminar shows in their grading.
Grading is based on a minimum of 60% of the compulsory class attendance
Class attendance: 10%
Participation: 10%
Oral review: 30%
Review in writing: 50%
Name of the Lecturer: Prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Kirschner
Contact: Dept.of Still Photography: 221 197 213,, home: 224 324 112
- Studijní materiály:
Recommended literature:
Prague. A Traveller s Literary Companion. Edited by Paul Wilson. Whereabouts Press, San Francisco 1995. ISBN 1-8835113-01-4
This Side of Reality. Modern Czech Writing. Ed. by Alexandra Büchler. Serpents Tail, London, New York 1996. ISBN 1-85242-378-1
Jan Neruda: Prague Tales. Central European University Press, Budapest, London, New York, 1993. ISBN
Franz Kafka: The Trial, Berkshire, England, Cox & Wyman,Ltd.,1977
Jaroslav Hašek: The Good Soldier Švejk And His Fortunes in the World War. Thomas Y.Crowell Comp.,New York, 1973
Karel Čapek: Three Novels (Hordubal, Meteor, An Ordinary Life) A Garrigue Book, Catbird Press, NJ 1990
Bohumil Hrabal: Too Loud a Solitude. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, Inc., 1990
Milan Kundera: The Joke. Faber and Faber, London, Boston, 1992, ISBN 0-571-16693-8
Ivan Klíma: My Golden Trades. Granta Books, London 1998. ISBN 1-86207-103-9
- Poznámka:
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)