Reportage Photography 2
- Kód:
- 307ERP2
- Zakončení:
- ZK
- Kredity:
- 2
- Rozsah:
- 2/T
- Vyučující:
- Viktor KOLÁŘ
- Anotace:
What is reportage photography today and how it differs from documentary photography?Personal psychology as part of our agenda.My point of view and the „media“.What is integrity personal and artistic?Visual language,human types and body language.Authorship and its protection from electronic manipulation.
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Theme: 1/ „ Unique event“
Motto: „Something what shall not happen again?“
The unique event could be anything from a real event that takes place „indoors“ or „outdoors“ /social, cultural, sports, private event/ to whatever is considered as unique, simply worth of recording . The quality which matters is from what angle you approach the subject matter and what you want to emphasize. Not only the subject matter is important even more is your point of view.
The creative process is following:
1/ consulting the subject with your teacher;
2/ submitting the contact sheets, later proof prints for editing;
3/ selection of 10 photos, enlarge them up to 18x24cm or 24x30cm;
4/ deadline - December 2005
Theme: 2/ „Reportage portrait“
To depict someone : a friend, your landlord, brief encounter in his / her environment. One photo should be a real close-up of the person. Any approach is welcome when your photos are introducing the subject with competence.
The creative process is following:
1/ consulting the subject with your teacher;
2/ submitting the contact sheets, later proof prints for editing;
3/ selection of 5 photos, enlarge them up to 18x24cm or 24x30cm;
4/deadline December 2005
Theme: 3/ „Thematic reportage“ /Photo-story
This is the main assignment for „reportage“ and „documentary “ seminar in the 1st year. First step is to sit down and write an outline of the possible project onto the paper. Most challenging job may seem to be looking for theme that is close to your heart, your inclinations because you work on it over a period of time. This work is mainly concerned with your ability to tell visually the story. By shooting from different distance /close-ups, medium distance , general views/ and perspective, you may create dynamic, fresh ,personal visual account.
The creative process is following:
1/ consulting the subject with your teacher;
2/ writing an outline on A4;
3/ systematically consulting with your teacher;
4/ submitting the contact sheets and proof prints for editing;
5/ select and enlarge 15-30 photos, 30x40cm or 50x60cm;
6/ deadline - June 2006
„ A student directed portfolio“ (exhibition series) / main work - chosen teacher /
A set of 8 - 12 well printed or mounted photographs in paspartoos which represent the skill of our student acquired while studying at FAMU. These photographs are meant as final exhibition series for the commission at the end of the school year. Such work is continuously consulted with and supervised by the teacher who was chosen deliberately by the student.
The creative process is following:
1/ consultation with chosen teacher;
2/ evaluation of contact sheets, proof prints, editing the material;
3/ selection and printing of 8-12 prints up to size 30x40cm or 50x60cm;
4/ deadline - June 2006
The students assignments /does not apply to exhibition series/ will be evaluated by supervising teacher /V.K./, also the attendance of seminar /hours of attendance set by the Department/, individual engagement will contribute as well to final grading.
- Studijní materiály:
Viktor Kolář: "Seminar in documentary Photography?, AMU-FAMU 2OOO.
Viktor Kolář: "Archives of life /in writing/
Monographs of photographers.
The other books necessary for you will get know during our seminars.
- Poznámka:
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)