Studio Specific Photography 2

Štěpán GRYGAR, Viktor KOLÁŘ, Rudolf PREKOP, Bohumír PROKŮPEK

Course Outline:

The objective of the Studio of Creative Photography is to support and further develop the individual creative skills of the students as much as possible. Emphasis is put on a conceptual work and creativity.

Course Description:

I give the importance to critical distance from one?s own work that results in its classification within a wider context. The Studio consists of theoretical seminars, consultations of final exhibition, bachelor, and master series, together with an assignment mandatory for the 3rd and 4th year students. 3rd year students the theme: "Photography and Text?

Cíle studia:

Archer, Michael: Art Since 1960, Thames & Hudson, London, 2002

Berger, John: Ways of Seeing, Penguin Books,London, 1972

Barthes, Roland: Camera lucida: reflections on photography, New York: Hill and Wang, 1981

Barthes, Roland: Criticim and Truth, London: Athlone, 1987

Barthes, Roland: Mythologies, London: J.Cape, 1972

Campany, David, Art and Photography, London, Phaidon 2003

Cotton Charlotte The Photography as Contemporary Art, London, Thames Hudson, 2004

Danto Arthur: The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, Columbia University Press, NY, 1986

Frizot, Michel: Nouvelle Histoire de la Photographie, Larousse-Bordas, Paris, 1996

Flusser Vilem: Towards a philosophy of photography, Reaktion, London 2000

Greenberg, Clement: Die Essenz der Moderne, Fundus, Dresden, 1997

Honnef, Klaus: Nichts als Kunst, Dumont, Koln, 1997

Lucie-Smith, Edward: Art Today, Phaidon, London, 1995

Mayo, Nuria Enquita - Johnston Pamela (ed.), Viktor Burgin, Barcelona: Fundació Antoni Tapies, 2001

Orvell, Miles. American Photography, Oxford University Press, London, 2003

Osborne Peter. Conceptual Art, Phaidon, London 2002

Reimschneider, Burkhard, Grosenick, Uta. Art at Turn of the Millenium, Taschen, Koln, 1999

Reimschneider, Burkhard, Grosenick, Uta. Art Now, Taschen 2002

Rusch Michael. New Media in Late 20th Century, Thames & Hudson, London 1999

Susan Sontag: On Photography, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY. 1977

Stiles, Kristine Selz, Peter. Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art, University of California Press, London,

Wall, Jeff. Scenarien im Bildraum der Wirklichkeit, Fundus, Dresden, 1997

Wells, Liz. The Photography Reader, Routledge, London, 2003

Osnova (a sylabus):

Assignment: (assignment 3P1)

Description: This mandatory assignment is practical and students have to submit at least eight photographs. Emphasis is put on the ability to come up with an innovative solution to the given assignment. Conceptual work is recommended. A written explanation must be handed in prior to starting with the assignment.

Assignment: To create a series of at least eight photographs as:

an individual interpretation of the theme: "Photography and Text? (not in the sense of mere illustration).

Time schedule: WS: Brief, written explanation by the end of November. The series must be in a shape of work in progress by the end of the winter semester.

SS: The final output (eight photographs) has to be submitted by the end of the summer semester.


Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course, as well as the submission of agreed on photographs in digital form - resolution 300 dpi with the length of the longer side of the format being 210mm.

Name of the Lecturer: Doc. Štěpán Grygar

Contact: 732 661 938,

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