Location Portrait Photography
- Kód:
- 307MLPP
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 10
- Rozsah:
- Vyučující:
- Jaroslav BÁRTA
- Anotace:
Name of the lecturer: Diana Zehetner
Place and time:
Fridays 13. 4. 2007, 20. 4. 2007, 27. 4. 2007, 4. 5. 2007 of 10:00,
Lažanský palace (for details see programme)
Conditions of the certificate: Credit/10 - 100% participation and work by order
Recommended for students of Department of Still Photography
Deadline to register: 30. 3. 2007
Note: max. number 12 students
Location portrait photography
- Portrait photography in general and individual approaches to portrait work: What makes a good portrait?
- Current portrait photography trends
- Different types of portrait; e.g. environmental portrait, celebrity portrait, psychological study, editorial portrait, theatre portrait, self-portrait?..
- Location portrait vs. studio portrait
- Preparation for work on location
- Psychological aspects of portrait work
- Portrait work on location photographing using daylight in given surroundings
- Editing and basics of digital retouching of resulting images
- Analysis and discussion
- Požadavky:
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
13. 4. 2007 from 10:00 to 13:00 Lažanský palace, U 112
Portrait photography in general with focus on location work (see description)
20. 4. and 27. 4. 2007 - 10:00 meeting in Lažanský palace, U 112
Portrait photography in general with focus on location work (see description)
consultation - further programme will be agreed on 30. 3. Assignment of work
to be presented on 4. 5. 2007
4. 5. 2007 from 10:00 to 13:00 Lažanský palace, U 112
Presentation of photographs according to the assignment (3 images),
final discussion and evaluation.
- Studijní materiály:
About Face: Photography and the Death of the Portrait (Exhibition catalogue ?About Face?, Hayward Gallery London 2004
- Poznámka:
Deadline 30.3., max. 12 students
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů: