Photographic Emulsion
- Kód:
- 307EMPE
- Zakončení:
- Z
- Kredity:
- 4
- Rozsah:
- Vyučující:
- Anotace:
Lecturers: Ing. Jiří Petera, Mgr. Martin Stecker
Place and date: 4. 4. 2008 - 6. 4. 2008, UVS Beroun
Note: only for the foreign students of the Department of Photography
the sign up for the module is possible latest on 31. 3. 2008
Maximum number of students: 8
Getting knowledge of applying photographic emulsion.
- Jazyk výuky:
- AN
- Požadavky:
Conditions of attestation: Zá/4 (zápočet/4 credits) - for an active attendance and submitting of the photography series as assigned
- Cíle studia:
- Osnova (a sylabus):
Description of the module:
The students will meet the exhibits of application of positive photographical emulsion in the introduction of module. There will be work-shop after about coating of photographic emulsion on different surfaces (paper, textile, glass, stone and wood...). They will explore a maximum of possibilities that this technique allows. Students try to step over common procedures and approach to photographical picture by copying their own negatives.
Each student will bring own negatives with him/her (for printing them on „handmade“ positive material).
- Studijní materiály:
- Poznámka:
- Rozvrh na letní semestr 2007/2008:
Po Út St Čt Pá - Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů: