Introduction to the Soundrack

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311IS Z 2 2/T anglicky

The course will focus on the fundamentals of using sound to furnish meaning, whether for narrative, documentary or abstract works.

We will follow the thread of production through the various elements that comprise a soundtrack, based on our real time limitations and available tools.

Basic precepts, tips and tricks: from conception to sound capture to edit to mix to output - via the building blocks of the soundtrack including dialogue, narration, music, foley, ambient sound, and most importantly sound effect/sound design.

With provided readings, bibliography & URLs, DVD examples, hardware & software hands-on. We will work in the Final Cut and Soundtrack programs.

Cíle studia:
Osnova (a sylabus):

Course Requirements:

We will try and work on sound directly related to your own projects. The work will be judged on effort, understanding of course materials, technical skill and creativity.

Class attendance & participation 20%

2 short sound exercises 30%

Final exam 25%

Sound work on your projects evaluated 25%


Class 1. theory & elements of the soundtrack

dialogue, narration, music, foley, ambient sound, sound effect/sound design; sound sources and their use

Class 2. origin & development of the soundtrack

from the talkies to the present

Class 3. the sound event & the digital audio file / film analysis

basic introduction to sound, acoustics, digital audio, file formats / what to listen for - film sound analysis

Class 4. microphones & recorders

Hard disc recording equipment, microphone selection and use, patterns, types, accessories, handling in the studio and on location

Class 5. studio recording

exercise in studio recording - dialogue, foley, effects

Class 6. location recording

exercise in location recording - lavalier mics, boom technique, location tips

Class 7. Final Cut 1

basic to intermediate audio in Final Cut Pro (depending on level of students)

sound exercise 1 due

Class 8. signal processing

EQ, reverb, compression explained

Class 9. Final Cut 2

advanced audio techniques in Final Cut Pro

Class 10. Soundtrack 1

audio in Soundtrack (Mac program) - beyond Final Cut

sound exercise 2 due

Class 11. Creative approaches to sound design

techniques and examples from the worlds of experimental, electroacoustic and 20th century classical musics and extraordinary film soundtracks

Class 12. Soundtrack 2

audio in Soundtrack (Mac program) - more advanced techniques

Class 13. Mixing & Mastering

mixing multiple audio tracks, creating the filmic sound space, outputting your soundtrack/mastering

Class 14. Final Exam

Studijní materiály:
Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2008/2009:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2008/2009:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
Platnost dat k 7. 5. 2009
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