Early Cinema and the Avant-Garde 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
311MEC2 Z 2 12/S anglicky
Jitka Hejtmanová

Instructor: Martin Arnold (coordinator Jitka Hejtmanova)

Date and Time: November 6-7, 10:00-13:00 + 14:00-17:00, FAMU, Room 1

Assignment: 2 credit for 100% participation and written essay 1-2 pages, please email to


Martin Arnold´s second of four fall term modules „Early Cinema and the Avant-Garde“

is taking place at FAMU on Friday November 6 and Saturday November 7

10 am - 1 pm, 2pm - 5 pm both days, room nr. 1

Cíle studia:
Osnova (a sylabus):

Modules theme:

The Classical Avantgarde & the Postmodern Moment

(Cinema in between the Amusement Park, the Movie Theatre & the Gallery)

The nice thing about experimental film was that, apart from offering a series of great films, a thoroughly commercial location, the movie theater, was being occupied for a radically different kind of image production.

Today the cinema, as a projection space for movies, has long since lost its authority. Galleries, museums, and many other spaces, as well, of a lesser degree of established culture, have assumed an equal side by side with it.

Since a great deal of fantasizing, discussing and theorizing is going on in all of these locations, it is important to start thinking about lines of tradition in dealing with images and sounds, and to develop genealogies. All the while being aware that all lines of tradition are brittle, and those genealogies, too, are not always to be trusted.

In MODULE 2 we will explore works by film and video artists such as

Stan Brackhage, Kenneth Anger, Bruce Connor & Paul Sharits and compare them two the works of the following generation (i.e. Su Friedrich, Matthias Mueller, Michael Wallin). Special emphasis will be given on the concepts of „structural film“, „found footage filmmaking“ and „personal cinema“.

Martin Arnold (born 1959 in Vienna, Austria) is an experimental filmmaker known for his obsessive reworkings of found footage. He is also a founding member of the Austrian film distributor Sixpack Film. Arnold studied psychology and art history at the University of Vienna. He has taught filmmaking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the San Francisco Art Institute, the Academy of Fine Arts in Frankfurt, the Kansas City Art Institute, Bard College, and at SUNY Binghamton. His films are distributed by Canyon Cinema in the United States and by Sixpack Film in Austria.

More here: or

Studijní materiály:
Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2009/2010:

Rozvrh na letní semestr 2009/2010:
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Platnost dat k 26. 4. 2010
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