Theory of Drama 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction |
204TED2 | ZK | 1 | 2/T | Czech |
- Tutor:
- Jaroslav ETLÍK
- Synopsis:
Expanding the material by several new theatrological approaches and with reference to the limits and drawbacks of the structural-semiotic school. Comparison with other methodological approaches in theatre science (e.g. the phenomenological approach, theatrical anthropology, the latest contributions from contemporary hermeneutics, or certain post-modern trends, the philosophical grounds for deconstruction etc.).
Teaching is conducted in the form of lectures.
- Prerequisites:
1. Creativity
2. Ability to think independently about a subject
3. Ability to analyse and reflect
4. Capacity for synthetic thought
5. Sufficient cultural outlook and detailed knowledge of theatre history
- Study Objectives:
1. Students of direction and dramaturgy in alternative and puppet theatre are introduced to the theory of drama; familiarisation with elementary theatrological concepts used in Czech theatre science. Defining these concepts in relation to general art theory, aesthetics and theories of other artistic genres.
2. Familiarising students with the structural-semiotic approach to theatre in Czech theatre science and the limits and drawbacks of this theatrological school. Comparison with other methodological approaches.
3. Specific features of the theory of drama and its concretisation (and application) regarding the specific features of individual theatre genres.
4. Introducing students to the unique subject of puppet theatre, e.g. the completely different structural definition of the acting component for this type of theatre work compared with other (non-puppet) theatre genres.
5. The student?s ability to gain a strong overall understanding of the theory of drama, both at a general level and as regards individual theatrical genres.
- Outline and Syllabus:
1. The tradition of a structural - semiotic approach to drama in Czech theatrology
(Zich, Mukařovský, Honzl, Veltruský) and historico-theoretical analysis of its sources: (Durdík,Hostinský,Šklovskij, Ejchenbaum, Tyňanov, Jakobson,
2. Established Czech drama terminology and the areas it addresses (dramatic character, dramatic person, situation, subject, plot, story, motive, theme)
3. Basic concepts of Pierce semotics applied to theatrical creation (icon, index, symbol)
4. Expanding the material to include another theatrologist. Approaches. The limits and drawbacks to the structural-semiotic school. Comparison with other methodological approaches in theatre science: phenomenology (Ingarden, Merleau, Ponty), hermeneutics (Gadamer),
theatre anthropology (Schechner, Savarese, Barba), contemporary hermeneutics
(Ricoer, Mathauser), French structuralism (Levi-Strauss, Barthes),
post-structuralism and a tematologie (Genette, Todorov, Poulet), post-modernism and
deconstruction (Derrida, Lyotard, de Man etc.).
5. Puppet theatre specifics, defining the acting component of puppet theatre in relation to other forms of theatrical expression, and in connection with its specific function in puppet creations.
6. Application of the structural semiotic (Zichov) model to puppet theatre (stage character, dramatic person). Definition of the puppet as a theatrical function.
7. Broadening the approach to other areas of puppet theatre theory
(Kavrak, Lorenzová, Bensky, Knoedgen, Jurkowski et al.).
As theoretical knowledge is an essential condition for every director and dramaturg in developing the talent to operate in the complex world of theatrical language, the teaching of the theory of drama has quite a broad conceptual basis and attempts to chart the theoretical problems of theatrical creation (where possible), even in the most subtle contexts. This is the only way that directors and dramaturgs can become university-educated figures with a wide cultural outlook and deep knowledge of the subject, so making it possible for them in future to perform their own creative work consciously and purposefully; i.e. professionally, in the best sense of the word.
Teaching is conducted in the form of lectures.
- Study materials:
Patrice Pavis : Divadelní slovník
Základní pojmy divadla ( teatrologický slovník, ed. P. Pavlovský)
Jan Císař : Proměny divadelního jazyka
Jaroslav Etlík : Divadlo jako zakoušení
Jaroslav Vostrý : Režie je umění
Jaroslav Vostrý : Ejzenštejnovy lekce divadelní režie
Jan Císař : Teorie herectví loutkového divadla
Jaroslav Etlík : Činohra
Jaroslav Etlík : Definice loutky
P. Brook : Prázdný prostor
J. Honzl : K novému významu umění
J. Honzl : Základy a praxe divadla
J. Mukařovský : Studie z estetiky
Viktor Šklovskij : Teorie prózy
Viktor Šklovskij : Próza (teorie, úvahy)
Sergej Ejzenštejn : Kamerou, tužkou, perem
Vsevolod Mejerchold : Rekonstrukce divadla
Antonin Artaud : Divadlo a jeho dvojenec
Divadlo (časopis, ročníky 1956 ? 1970)
Divadelní revue (časopis, ročníky 1990 ? 2006)
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2009/2010:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2009/2010:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský herectví ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský režie a dramaturgie ALD (subject determining qualification)
- Doporučený bakalářský scénografie ALD (optional subject)