Atelier - Specific Photography Studios 1
- Kód předmětu:
- 307EAS1
- Název předmětu:
- Atelier - Specific Photography Studios 1
- Způsob ukončení:
- zápočet
- Rozsah:
- 13/S
- Typ předmětu:
- povinný předmět
- Úroveň předmětu:
- Ročník studia:
- 2. ročník
- Semestr, kdy je předmět vyučován:
- zimní
- Počet přidělených kreditů ECTS:
- 1
- Garant předmětu:
- Štěpán GRYGAR, Viktor KOLÁŘ, Robert PORTEL, Rudolf PREKOP
- Jméno přednášejícího:
- Štěpán GRYGAR, Viktor KOLÁŘ, Robert PORTEL, Rudolf PREKOP
- Cíle studia:
The objective of the Studio of Creative Photography is to support and further develop the individual creative skills of the students as much as possible. Emphasis is put on conceptual work and creativity.
- Způsob uskutečnění:
Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course, as well as the submission of agreed on photographs in digital form ? resolution 300 dpi with the length of the longer side of the format being 250mm.
The student?s assignments will be evaluated by supervising teacher /V.K./, also the personal attendance of the seminars and workshops /hours of attendance set by the Department/, individual engagement will contribute as well to final grading.
Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course, as well as the submission of agreed on photographs in digital form ? resolution 300 dpi with the length of the longer side of the format being 210mm.
Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course. A condition for assessment is the handing-in of all photographs in digital form in TIF format with a resolution of 300 dpi and the longer side of each photograph being 250 mm.
- Prerekvizity a korekvizity:
- Doporučené nepovinné složky programu:
- Obsah předmětu:
Supervised by: Mgr. Rudo Prekop
Contact: 737 609 562,
The Studio includes lectures, seminars, consultations of final exhibition, bachelor, and master series.
Assignments: (assignments 4P1, 5P1)
Part of the Studio is one mandatory assignment for:
3rd year students: FIGURE - ENVIRONMENT - PROPS, collection of 8 and more photos
4th year students: MAN - publication or its mutation, minimum 15 photos.
5th year students: PROBLEM - arbitrary form of execution.
Time schedule: Prior to the beginning of the photographic work, student explains his or her intention to the pedagogue and once agreed on within a mutual dialogue, implements the assignment.
Deadline for submission: by the end of the summer semester - second half of May.
Every year, three personalities from the area of photography, but also graphic design, are invited as lecturers within the Studio, based on the selection of the supervising pedagogue. These workshops are either one or two semesters long and take place in frequency according to the time schedule specified by the given lecturer. The purpose of this arrangement is the time-limited confrontation of students with a wide spectrum of individual personalities, who provide all the participating students with their creative and real-life experience, their opinions, attitudes, and spirit.
Name of the lecturer: prof. Viktor Kolář
Contact: , phone: 596 126 536
List of assignments ? 4th year (choice between the two)
Theme 1: ?His/her/their? story /documentary project/
Visual narrative about looking for one?s path, a road we usually call a ?road of life?. Discovering such a road and then keep walking on it seems to be more important than anything else. Before we step on such a road we face various problems as for instance: drug culture, participation in extreme political movements, religious sects, etc. next to personal failures, suffering from mental disorders, unemployment, abuse in childhood, homelessness, will make such a search more problematic. Almost each person in my neighbourhood can tell a different story?
The creative outcome: 15-20 bw or color images of cca 24x30cm
Deadline: June 2008
Theme 2: ?Consumerism as a lifestyle? /documentary project/
Western model of consumerism can be blamed as responsible for defeat of communist ideology and further fall of communism in Czech Republic. The mode of consuming that comes after as a leading factor in shaping people?s lifes today. Purchasing products, using many level services in huge shopping centres as Tesco, Kaufland, Ikea, etc.are leading them to spend more time there. For some people consumption is becoming an obsession with all side effects. It becomes a drug after all and must be medically cured. People buy things they do not need, spend money they did not earn. They also try to buy new identities on the market. Record on your film all possible manifestations of such lifestyle from your point of view.
The creative outcome: 15-20 bw or color images cca 24x30cm
Deadline: June 2008
Name of the Lecturer: Štěpán Grygar
Contact: 732 661 938,
Course Description:
I give the importance to critical distance from one?s own work that results in its classification within a wider context. The Studio consists of theoretical seminars, consultations of final exhibition, bachelor, and master series.
Assignment: (4P1, 5P1)
Description: This mandatory assignment is practical and students have to submit at least eight photographs. Emphasis is put on the ability to come up with an innovative solution to the given assignment. Conceptual work is recommended. A written explanation must be handed in prior to starting with the assignment.
Assignment: To create a series of at least eight photographs asan individual interpretation of specific theme (not mere illustration). The theme will be announced in the beginning of semester.
Time schedule: WS: Brief, written explanation by the end of November. The series must be in a shape of work in progress by the end of the winter semester.
SS: The final output (eight photographs) has to be submitted by the end of the summer semester.
Name of Lecturer: Bohumír Prokůpek
Contact (Cell phone): +420 602 277 375 ,
Method of Study:
The theoretical part of the seminar will provide students with an orientation on the specifics of open air photography; they will obtain academic knowledge about the cultural and social implications of the course through lectures and picture projection sessions, and prepare to take personal approaches to projects. As the outcrop of the seminar students ought to be able to choose the topics of their theses, find cultural, material and other associations of their endeavour, and formulate them and their approach to handling their chosen topics.
The assignment has two parts ? obligatory and optional. The obligatory part entails presentation of a project whose focus is a symbol. Students should prove their creative and technical skills and abilities geared towards a quality representation of their topics using classic photographic approaches. A brief written explication is required before students are to commence work on their projects.
The optional part requires a remarkably personal expression of the chosen topic that will have to do with the outer environment, its reflection, associate inner personal feelings, etc. Evaluation is based chiefly on the student?s focused effort to arrive at a personal expression. There are no decreed methods of implementation and students can individually determine the scope and intent of the optional part. A brief written explication is required before students are to commence work on their projects.
The practical part will comprise group brainstorming sessions over the photographs in the making. These group tutorials are compulsory and dates will be announced after the start of the course.
Assignments: (Exercises 4P1, 5P1)
a)Compulsory Part: at least four (4) technically accomplished, compositionally and pictorially convincing black and white photographs, size 30x40 cm. This project must be delivered by the end of the Winter Semester and its presentation is one of the conditions of granting a credit.
b)Compulsory Part: at least eight (8) technically accomplished, compositionally and pictorially convincing photographs whose format tallies with the assignment and has been agreed upon with the teacher. If classic photographs are not the end product, additional outputs will be required in the 30x40 cm format.
Course Description:
Importance is placed on maintaining a critical distance from one's own work, which results in its classification within a wider context. The Studio includes theoretical seminars, consultations on the final exhibition, bachelor and master's series. Each year one theme is specified for the fourth- and fifth-year student assignments. The assignment is compulsory for fourth-year students.
- Studijní materiály:
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing, Penguin Books,London, 1972
Barthes, Roland: Camera lucida: reflections on photography, New York: Hill and Wang, 1981
Barthes, Roland: Criticim and Truth, London: Athlone, 1987
Barthes, Roland: Mythologies, London: J.Cape, 1972
Campany, David, Art and Photography, London, Phaidon 2003
Cotton Charlotte The Photography as Contemporary Art, London, Thames Hudson, 2004
Danto Arthur. The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, Columbia University Press, NY, 1986
Frizot, Michel, Nouvelle Histoire de la Photographie, Larousse-Bordas, Paris, 1996
Flusser Vilem.
Towards a philosophy of photography, Reaktion, London 2000
Greenberg, Clement: Die Essenz der Moderne, Fundus, Dresden, 1997
Honnef, Klaus. Nichts als Kunst, Dumont, Koln, 1997
Lucie-Smith, Edward. Art Today, Phaidon, London, 1995
Mayo, Nuria Enquita - Johnston Pamela (ed.), Viktor Burgin, Barcelona: Fundació Antoni Tapies, 2001
Orvell, Miles. American Photography, Oxford University Press, London, 2003
Osborne Peter. Conceptual Art, Phaidon, London 2002
Reimschneider, Burkhard, Grosenick, Uta. Art at Turn of the Millenium, Taschen, Koln, 1999
Reimschneider, Burkhard, Grosenick, Uta. Art Now, Taschen 2002
Rusch Michael. New Media in Late 20th Century, Thames & Hudson, London 1999
Susan Sontag: On Photography, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY. 1977
Stiles, Kristine, Selz Peter. Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art, University of California Press, London,
Wall, Jeff. Scenarien im Bildraum der Wirklichkeit, Fundus, Dresden, 1997
Wells, Liz. The Photography Reader, Routledge, London, 2003
- Plánované činnosti související s učením a metody výuky:
- Metody a kritéria hodnocení:
Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course, as well as the submission of agreed on photographs in digital form ? resolution 300 dpi with the length of the longer side of the format being 250mm.
The student?s assignments will be evaluated by supervising teacher /V.K./, also the personal attendance of the seminars and workshops /hours of attendance set by the Department/, individual engagement will contribute as well to final grading.
Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course, as well as the submission of agreed on photographs in digital form ? resolution 300 dpi with the length of the longer side of the format being 210mm.
Graded credit: granted on the basis of submission of all prescribed assignments and evaluation of submitted photographs. The basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures, participation in posted mandatory joint consultations specified in the beginning of the course. A condition for assessment is the handing-in of all photographs in digital form in TIF format with a resolution of 300 dpi and the longer side of each photograph being 250 mm.
- Jazyk, v němž probíhá výuka:
- anglicky
- Pracovní stáže:
- Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
- Webová stránka předmětu:
- Poznámka:
- Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2010/2011:
Po Út St Čt Pá - Rozvrh na letní semestr 2010/2011:
- Rozvrh zatím není připraven
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)