Outdoor and Architecture Photography 3

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Kód předmětu:
Název předmětu:
Outdoor and Architecture Photography 3
Způsob ukončení:
Typ předmětu:
povinný předmět
Úroveň předmětu:
Ročník studia:
2. ročník
Semestr, kdy je předmět vyučován:
Počet přidělených kreditů ECTS:
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Jméno přednášejícího:
Cíle studia:

The purpose of this seminar is to teach students how to photograph architecture in a manner that allows them to feel and interpret the qualities of selected architecture adequately through photographs, but also to realise its position in the urban landscape. They will be taught how to work with a large format camera.

Způsob uskutečnění:


Graded credit: given on the basis of evaluation of the submitted assignments with respect to the technical quality and original instructions. Participation: the basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures together with his or her participation in mandatory joint consultations dates of which will be specified in the beginning of the course.

Assigments: (assignment 2P2)

The purpose of this assignment is to technically and photographically document the following:

1/ historical styles (architecture till the end of the 19th century) -

a/ whole building;

b/ typical detail of a given building;

2/ 20th century and contemporary architecture- a/ whole building;

b/ typical detail of a given building;

3/ building in context with its environment - whole building while showing its relation to that which surrounds it (same building as in the previous parts of the assignment);

4/ series of 6 - 8 photographs - images that give a basic idea about a selected building - photographs of the exterior and interior taken to be published in a professional magazine or book about architecture. Black & white - min. format 24x30 cm - photographs or color slides - min. format 6x9 cm - are to be submitted, together with the graphic layout of a magazine article or pages in a book. The graphic layout has to include the following: title page of A4 format, in case of a magazine bearing the title ARCHITEKT 6/2003 (typography to be chosen by the student), in case of a book bearing in the title the name of the architect, name of the building or style. In both cases the layout has to include certain number of pages showing the position of text, including the heading, captions, etc. The graphic layout can be prepared within the course of PhDr. V. Šimice.

The following is to be submitted: technically perfect images with interesting and convincing composition as well as content, either black & white or slides, in format agreed on with the lecturer.

Prerekvizity a korekvizity:


Doporučené nepovinné složky programu:
Obsah předmětu:

Course Description:

The theoretical part of the course will introduce architectural photography through a series of examples. Students will be led to search for basic information about a given building, its purpose, and function. The course will be adjusted to the students? existing knowledge. According to the students´ interests and needs various ways and methods of working with light will be demonstrated together with operation of the large format camera and the possibilities of negative/positive processing. Besides black & white photography students will be taught how to correctly decide about the application of color materials and will be introduced to the difference in working with black & white and color.

The practical part will consist of joint consultations over the photographs. Dates for these joint consultations will be mandatory and will be posted once the course begins.

Assigments: (assignment 2P2)

The purpose of this assignment is to technically and photographically document the following:

1/ historical styles (architecture till the end of the 19th century) -

a/ whole building;

b/ typical detail of a given building;

2/ 20th century and contemporary architecture- a/ whole building;

b/ typical detail of a given building;

3/ building in context with its environment - whole building while showing its relation to that which surrounds it (same building as in the previous parts of the assignment);

4/ series of 6 - 8 photographs - images that give a basic idea about a selected building - photographs of the exterior and interior taken to be published in a professional magazine or book about architecture. Black & white - min. format 24x30 cm - photographs or color slides - min. format 6x9 cm - are to be submitted, together with the graphic layout of a magazine article or pages in a book. The graphic layout has to include the following: title page of A4 format, in case of a magazine bearing the title ARCHITEKT 6/2003 (typography to be chosen by the student), in case of a book bearing in the title the name of the architect, name of the building or style. In both cases the layout has to include certain number of pages showing the position of text, including the heading, captions, etc. The graphic layout can be prepared within the course of PhDr. V. Šimice.

The following is to be submitted: technically perfect images with interesting and convincing composition as well as content, either black & white or slides, in format agreed on with the lecturer.

Name of the Lecturer: Josef Ptáček

Contact:, phone 274818105 602461949

Studijní materiály:

Syrový B.: Architektura-svědectví doby,. SNTL, Praha 1975

Švácha R.: Od moderny k funkcionalismu. Odeon, Praha 1985

Uher,Pavlík: Dialog tvarů, Odeon, Praha 1974

Herout J.: Staletí kolem nás, Praha 1961

Kulterman U.: Současná světová architektura, Praha 1966

Plánované činnosti související s učením a metody výuky:
Metody a kritéria hodnocení:


Graded credit: given on the basis of evaluation of the submitted assignments with respect to the technical quality and original instructions. Participation: the basic pre-requisites for grading are the student?s participation within at least 60% of the lectures together with his or her participation in mandatory joint consultations dates of which will be specified in the beginning of the course.

Assigments: (assignment 2P2)

The purpose of this assignment is to technically and photographically document the following:

1/ historical styles (architecture till the end of the 19th century) -

a/ whole building;

b/ typical detail of a given building;

2/ 20th century and contemporary architecture- a/ whole building;

b/ typical detail of a given building;

3/ building in context with its environment - whole building while showing its relation to that which surrounds it (same building as in the previous parts of the assignment);

4/ series of 6 - 8 photographs - images that give a basic idea about a selected building - photographs of the exterior and interior taken to be published in a professional magazine or book about architecture. Black & white - min. format 24x30 cm - photographs or color slides - min. format 6x9 cm - are to be submitted, together with the graphic layout of a magazine article or pages in a book. The graphic layout has to include the following: title page of A4 format, in case of a magazine bearing the title ARCHITEKT 6/2003 (typography to be chosen by the student), in case of a book bearing in the title the name of the architect, name of the building or style. In both cases the layout has to include certain number of pages showing the position of text, including the heading, captions, etc. The graphic layout can be prepared within the course of PhDr. V. Šimice.

The following is to be submitted: technically perfect images with interesting and convincing composition as well as content, either black & white or slides, in format agreed on with the lecturer.

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místnost 112
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(přednášková par. 1)

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Platnost dat k 17. 6. 2011
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