Music Criticism 2
- Course unit code:
- 108HK2
- Course unit title:
- Music Criticism 2
- Mode of delivery:
- zkouška
- Range:
- 1+1/T
- Type of course unit:
- Study plan Obor Flétna (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Housle (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Klarinet (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Hoboj (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Fagot (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Lesní roh (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Trubka (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Pozoun (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Tuba (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Klavír (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Varhany (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Cembalo (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Viola (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Violoncello (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Kontrabas (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Harfa (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Kytara (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Bicí nástroje (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Zpěv (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Operní režie (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Hudební teorie (Bc) – compulsory subject
Study plan Obor Skladba (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Hudební režie (Bc) – compulsory subject
Study plan Obor Dirigování (Bc) – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Obor Hudební management (Bc) – compulsory subject
Study plan Obor Zvuková tvorba (Bc) – compulsory optional subject - Level of course unit:
- Year of study
- Study plan Obor Hudební teorie (Bc) – 3rd year
Study plan Obor Hudební režie (Bc) – 3rd year
Study plan Obor Hudební management (Bc) – 3rd year - Semester when the course unit is delivered
- letní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 1
- Garant předmětu:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Study Objectives:
To reinforce student independent critical thought about music and references to other music culture events. Ability in independent music critique
- Mode of delivery:
Lecturing, moderated dialogue, discussions, analysis of recording media examples, text analyses, essay.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Completion of „Music Criticism and Outreach 1.“
- Recommended optional programme components
- Course contents:
Lectures in the Winter semester deall with fundamental issues in European music criticism and the outreach of music. The course is focused on student independent written and verbal exhibits (1st part).
Student course paper:
1. A cca. 45 minute report (spoken report based on notes; the report is submitted at the end of the semester in a brief written form of 3-5 pages.)
a) an analysis of one current issue of a music publication in the extent of cca. 200 mechanically printed pages. Based on a careful reading of the magazine, its intent, expertise, outreach, critique and style levels of individual columns are judged. The most and least successful articles, overall graphic (visual) level are characterized and recommendations for improvement are made. Examples: Hudební rozhledy, Opus musicum, Harmonie, Hudobný život (Slovak), Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Der Orchester (German), Ruch muzycny (Polish), Opernwelt (German), Muzykalnaja žizň (Russian), Musical Times, Classical Music (British), Musical America (American) and the like.
b) An analysis and evaluation of the music outreach, education or critique cycles, radio series or television music program, and the like. Examples: The Czech Philharmonic plays and talks, Images from the History of Czech Music,, Ilja Hurník: The Art of Listening to Music, Leonard Bernstein: About Music and the like.
c) Analysis of the music programming of the radio station Vltava in one week based on one's own listening.
d) Analysis of a Czech Television music program in one week based on one's own viewing.
e) Paraphrasing a music outreach book.
2. Six articles for professional music or daily print, statewide, regional or local:
a) A review of a symphonic or chamber concert (40-60 lines)
b) A review of an opera or ballet performance (70-90 lines)
c) A review of a music album or book with a music topic (60-90 lines)
d) Medailon (a protrait, obituary) of an important music individual or report with a music topic or a conversation with a music artist (60-100 lines)
e) Comment on a current music topic (20-40 lines, or a text from an album cover (cca 40 lines), or an analysis for a symphonic concert program (cca 60 lines)
f) Three reports about the musical life of the region, area, or the like.
Lecture and course curriculum
1. Music Critique Theory
2. Music Critique History
3. The function and genre of music critique
4. Music critic profiles
5. Music outreach theory and history
6. Educational concerts for youth and the public
7. Music publications in the Czech Republic and abroad, cultural columns in daily print.
8. Music programs on the radio an television, on DVD, etc.
9. The language aspect of music publication.
10. Basics of editorial practice
11. Press legislation, freedom of speech, the ethics of journalism.
12. Student independent writings and speaking
- Study materials:
Required study literature:
Fukač, Jiří a kolektiv: Hudba a média. Rukověť muzikologa. Brno, Masarykova univerzita 1998, 258 s.
Hrčková, Naďa: Hudobná kritika a hodnotenie, Bratislava 1986, 255 s.
Vičar, Jan: Hudební kritika a popularizace hudby. Praha, Koniasch Latin Press 1997.
Recommended literature:
Bartošek, Jaroslav: Žurnalistika. Olomouc, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého 1997. 130 s.
Bernstein, Leonard: O hudbě (Koncerty pro mladé publikum). Přeložil Pavel Pokorný. Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Praha 1996. 316 s.
Bor, Vladimír: Film-hudba-kritika. Praha, Panton 1990, s. 194-233.
Criticism. - In: The New Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 1980, s. 36-50 (Winton Dean).
Criticism. - In: The New Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians.2nd edition, 2001, s. XX-XX.
Drábek, Václav: Popularizace hudby. Praha, H&H 1992. 133 s.
Hanslick, Eduard: Dokonalý antiwagnerián. Eduard Hanslick. Paměti, fejetony, kritiky. Vybrala, přeložila a předmluvu napsala Jitka Ludvová. Praha, Supraphon 1992. 421 s.
Hostinský, Otakar: Z hudebních bojů let sedmdesátých a osmdesátých. Uspořádala Eva Vítová. Praha, Supraphon 1986. 323 s.
Hudební kritika - In: Hudební věda III, Praha 1988, s. 859-878. (Jiří Fukač, Milan Kuna)
Hurník, Ilja: Umění poslouchat hudbu (soubor gramofonových desek). Praha, Supraphon 1972.
Ledeč, Jan: Vážná hudba v rozhlase u nás a v zahraničí. - Hudební rozhledy 1989, s. 104-109.
Mediažurnál. Zpravodaj Syndikátu novinářů České republiky <>.
Musikkritik. - In: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Sachteil Bd 6, Kassel 1997, s. 1362-1389 (Ulrich Tadday, Christoph Flamm, Peter Wicke).
Musikkritik. - In: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Bd 9, Kassel 1961, s. 1130-1148. (Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt)
Muzikologické dialogy 1978 Sborník. Red. Rudolf Pečman. Brno, ČHS 1980. 160 s.
Pilka, Jiří: Zaostřeno na popularizaci hudby. - Hudební rozhledy 1988, s. 229-233.
Popularizace hudby - In: Hudební věda III, Praha 1988, s. 854-859 (Jiří Fukač).
Příručka pro novináře střední a východní Evropy. Red. Malcolm F. Mallette. Praha, Lidové noviny 1991. 161 s.
Shaw, Georg Bernhard: Dokonalý wagnerovec. Hudobné eseje a kritiky. Bratislava, Opus 1981. 296 s.
Šeda, Jaroslav: O hudební kritice v ČSR. Praha, Divadelní ústav 1987. 117
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures and course.
- Assessment methods and criteria
75% attendance in instruction, activity in discussions and fulfillment of prescribed requirements for the written work. Knowledge of the assigned study literature.
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Obor Flétna (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Housle (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Klarinet (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Hoboj (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Fagot (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Lesní roh (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Trubka (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Pozoun (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Tuba (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Klavír (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Varhany (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Cembalo (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Viola (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Violoncello (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Kontrabas (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Harfa (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Kytara (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Bicí nástroje (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Zpěv (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Operní režie (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Hudební teorie (Bc) (compulsory subject of the main qualification)
- Obor Skladba (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Hudební režie (Bc) (next compulsory subject)
- Obor Dirigování (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Hudební management (Bc) (next compulsory subject)
- Obor Zvuková tvorba (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)