Optical basis of Photography 1
- Kód předmětu:
- 307ETR1
- Název předmětu:
- Optical basis of Photography 1
- Způsob ukončení:
- zápočet
- Rozsah:
- 13/S
- Typ předmětu:
- povinný předmět
- Úroveň předmětu:
- Ročník studia:
- 1. ročník
- Semestr, kdy je předmět vyučován:
- zimní
- Počet přidělených kreditů ECTS:
- 1
- Garant předmětu:
- Martin STECKER, Vladan KRUMPL
- Jméno přednášejícího:
- Martin STECKER, Vladan KRUMPL
- Cíle studia:
The aim of this subject is to try and verify in practice theoretical knowledge acquired in subjects such as the Physical and Chemical Fundamentals of Photography by solving concrete tasks. Students will also learn how to use the technical equipment of the Photography Department, including methods of comparing images processed using analogue and digital technologies.
- Způsob uskutečnění:
WS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of a test from theoretical knowledge and evaluation of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality of processing
SS - an exam: test and evaluation of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing
Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.
- Prerekvizity a korekvizity:
- Doporučené nepovinné složky programu:
- Obsah předmětu:
Description of the subject, assignments: (assignment 1P1)
1.Daylight and studio light, different kinds of light, basic principles, possibilities of changing the light character and mastering the light. Advantages of particular systems.
2.Rudiments of exponometry, fotometrical units, different types of measuring instruments - advantages and ways of measuring and controlling, luminance range of the scene, exponometrical tools, zonal system.
3.Basic kinds of cameras, their construction, advantages and use.
Practical assignment: work with Sinar camera - making 1 print under glass with grey and colour model - demonstration of transferring colours into black and white spectrum, deciding on the right exposure, and demonstration of ways of developing 6x9 cm. (1 enlargement 24x30cm)
4.Theory of displaying, lens´ construction and defects, resolution.
Practical assignment: Extreme limits of school lenses, visual field, basic tests of resolution, 1 photograph of the surface structure of a subject with practical use of Scheimpflug?s condition of developing the film 9x12cm. (1 enlargement 30x40cm)
5.Perspective and focal length, equalization of perpendiculars - restitution, deciding on light range of the scene in a studio.
Practical assignment: making 2 compositions of geometrical subjects with different lighting and perspective, using restitution in one picture. (2 enlargements 30x40cm)
6.Work with Sinar camera and with digital Sinarback 54H, digital cameras, possibilities of use, comparing of results from analogue and digital photography in static and live photography
Practical assignment: following assignments will always a confrontation of both technologies following the assignment Work with computers and digital imaging.
7.Technical rudiments of photographing glass, possibilities of lighting, used material
2 photographs 30x40 on both light and dark background + digital record, print.
8.Technical rudiments of photographing metallic objects
1 photograph 30x40 + digital record, print.
9.Technical rudiments of photographing ceramics
2 photographs 30x40 on both light and dark background + digital record, print.
Attention !!! Particular photographs must be presented according to the schedule, not at the end of the semester!
1.Fundamental properties of light
What is light, waves and theirs properties, numbers associated with periodic
waves, electromagnetic radiation, speed of light.
2.Principles of geometrical optics
Reflection, total internal reflection, refraction, dispersion.
3.Mirrors and lenses
Spherical mirrors, spherical and aspherical lenses, aberrations.
4.Wave optics
Interference, diffraction, limit resolution by diffraction, polarization, three
dimensional images.
5.The camera and photography
Depth of field, focal length, camera lenses, device to control light, exposure.
6.The human eye and vision
Focusing and accommodation, the iris, the lens, the retina, sensitivity,
aberrations, elementary lightness perception, binocular vision, three
dimensions, two dimensions.
Spectral color, color mixing by addition and subtraction, trichromacy of color
vision, source of colors, color temperature.
8.Computer images
Bits, bytes, resolution, CCD, CMOS, the imaging process, graphic displays,
optical storage, optical scanners, holographic memories, the future of photonics.
9.Light in modern physic
Particles and waves, atomic spectra, stimulated emission, laser, LED, OLED.
- Studijní materiály:
Recommended literature
David Falk, Dieter Brill, David Stork: Seeing the Light, 1986 by John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
Thomas D.Rossing, Christopher J. Chiaverina: Light Science, 1999 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Evans, R.M.: An Introduction to Color (1948 - 6B 859, 1959 - 6B 757, 1965 - 6B 1214)
Evans, R.M.: Eye, Film and Camera in Color Photography (1959 - 6B 756)
Langford, M.J.: Advanced Photography (1972 - 6B 1350)
sborník Principles of Color Sensitometry (1955 - 6B 865)
- Plánované činnosti související s učením a metody výuky:
- Metody a kritéria hodnocení:
WS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of a test from theoretical knowledge and evaluation of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality of processing
SS - an exam: test and evaluation of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing
Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.
- Jazyk, v němž probíhá výuka:
- anglicky
- Pracovní stáže:
- Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
- Webová stránka předmětu:
- Poznámka:
- Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2011/2012:
Po Út St Čt Pá Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky Út 16:30–18:05 KRUMPL V. Učebna KF
Tržiště 20, Praha 1přednášková par. 1 - Rozvrh na letní semestr 2011/2012:
- Rozvrh zatím není připraven
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)