Flute Playing 2

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Course unit code:
Course unit title:
 Flute Playing 2
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
compulsory subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
1st year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Radomír PIVODA, Jiří VÁLEK
Name of lecturer(s):
Radomír PIVODA, Jiří VÁLEK
Study Objectives:

Pomocí snadnějších etud a přednesů byly pojmenovány a definovány nedostatečnosti ve hře. V tomto předmětu se hledá optimální cesta k nápravě.

1. Hledání cesty odstranění těchto nedostatečností,

2. Precizování principu správné techniky, vědomé ovládnutí každého prstu

3. Pokračování v nácviku správného dýchání., dechová cvičení

4. Etudy se zaměřením na rytmickou ,intonační a metrickou přesnost-Köhler ,Fürstenau, Hahöcker

5. Výčet přednesových skladeb se rozšiřuje o náročnější skladby - Funk, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Stamitz, Mysliveček, Hasse, Haydn, Matys, Feld, Borne, Debussy, Bozza.

Mode of delivery:

Individual contact instruction.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components

Chamber literature in duets, trios and other combinations of wind, string, keyboard and percussion instruments.

Course contents:

This course provides the students with technique, tone quality, intonation and performance skills to withstand well competition in the soloist, chamber and orchestral music fields. The course guides the future artist to independence, fulfillment of their own ideas and defense of their thoughts. Considering that each student has differing skills in reacting to new situations, or has other physical talents for mastering individual aspects of playing, individual paths for each are chosen which allows for the quick learning of proper habits and eliminating everything that is not part of flute playing. The course intent is to find the proper road to removing these deficiencies, improving proper techniqe, continuing in the practice of proper breathing, etc. Rhythmic, intonation and metric precision is practiced in etudes - Pivoňka, Milde. Students learn to master individual fingers such they they will be able with any of them to hold any and every tone which seems important or interesting to emphasize. In high-Classic works Flute playing technique becomes more precise but also learned is the structure of a classic concert and the nature of music. The selection of recital pieces are oriented towards the works of Funk, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Stamitz, Mysliveček, Hasse, Haydn, Matys, Feld, Borne, Debussy, Bozza.... An effort to master all attributes of playing the instrument at the most equal levels is necessary.

Study materials:

Ernesto KöhlerVirtuosen Etuden op.75 1., 2., 3.

A. B. Fürstenau26 Studien für Flöte op.

J. Hahöcker24 Etuden op

Heinrich FunkKleine Sonate für Flöte und Kl

C. Ph. Em. BachSonáty pro flétnu a

Ludwig van BeethovenSonata

Francis PoulencSonata pro fl.

W. A. Mozart6 Sonaten für Flöte und

Karl StamitzKoncert D dur

Josef MyslivečekKoncert

Joh. Ad. HasseKoncert

Michael HaydnKoncert pro flétnu

Jiří MatysVariační monology pro flétnu sólo

Jindřich FeldQuatre Pieces pour Flute seule

Francois BorneFantaisie brillante sur Carmen

Cl. DebussySyrinx

Eugene BozzaDialogue pour Flute et Piano

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

On-going student participation in symphony or opera orchestra auditions.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment of instrument and orchestra playing. Fulfillment of the established repertoire. AKS certification. All concluded with award of credit. Exam before the dean's committee.

Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):

No internship established for this course.

Course web page:

Instructors manage the alternation of individual orchestra parts according to composer notes.

Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2012-6-25
Updates of the above given information can be found on