Trumpet Playing 1
- Course unit code:
- 106TR1
- Course unit title:
- Trumpet Playing 1
- Mode of delivery:
- zápočet
- Range:
- 2/T
- Type of course unit:
- compulsory subject
- Level of course unit:
- bakalářský
- Year of study
- 1st year
- Semester when the course unit is delivered
- zimní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 9
- Garant předmětu:
- Zdeněk ŠEDIVÝ, Vladimír REJLEK, Jaroslav ROUČEK
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Zdeněk ŠEDIVÝ, Vladimír REJLEK, Jaroslav ROUČEK
- Study Objectives:
Na jednodušších etudách a přednesových skladbách se rozpoznají a definují jednotlivé nástrojové a hráčské problémy, které si student přinesl z předešlého studia - ty se mohou týkat hlavně tvoření tónu, nesprávného dýchání a neznalosti principů správné techniky. J. Arban ,R. Sabarich.
1. Technická problematika se vyučuje pomocí snadnějších etud
2. Individuální cvičení pro tónovou kulturu, principy správného nátisku a dechová cvičení.
3. Hudebnost a principy interpretace klasické literatury se vyučují na skladbách autorů J. N. Hummel , J. Hubeau, P. J.Vejvanovský
- Mode of delivery:
Stage practice in solo creations, chamber ensembles and smaller or symphony orchestras. Regular presentation in the performance classes and playback of independent instrument classes.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Instrument skills at the level corresponding to the study year and student profile.
- Recommended optional programme components
Chamber literature in duets, trios and other combinations of wind, string, keyboard and percussion instruments.
- Course contents:
The aim is to prepare the student as a independent solist, chamber or orchestra musician.The education field is not overlooked. The graduate will be prepared for the education track in middle schools and conservatories. The student must complete an admissions exam to enter the course in musical talent, stage performance and talent, stage performance skills and adequate technique maturity. The primary element of instruction is the recognition of poor habits or resolution of issues the student has brought with them. This may involve tone creation, improper breathing and ignorance of proper technique principles. The technical aspect of playing is instructed through easier etudes - Koprasch, Alphons, where it is possible to precisely demonstrate where correction is necessary and how to do it most effectively. This is primarily practice in holding the first note of a group of fast tones, for example, the first and third of four sixteenth notes or the first of a triplet, etc. Individaul exercises for tone quality, proper embouchure and breathing are also part of instruction and are performed such that each exercise corresponds to the individual skills of the student. Musicality and performance principles of Classic literature are instructed with compositions by J.N. Hummel, J. Hubeau, P.J. Vejvanovský, for their clear structure and simple technical aspect. This is primarily the building of phrases, themes, climaxes, dynamics and building one's own cadenzas, etc. The is all part of instruction at middle-schools but the student doesn't always have extensive knowledge which can be used in their profession.
- Study materials:
J. B. Arban Etudy, R. Sabarich 10 etud (selections),
J. N. Hummel Concerto in Es,
J. Hubeau Sonata,
P. J.Vejvanovský Sonata g moll
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Student participation in Chamber Music competitions and auditions for symphonic and opera orchestras.
- Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance is assessed in all facets of performance. First of all the composition the student played is examined and individual pitfalls of performance are pointed out. Also assessed is how the student dealt with these problems. Noted, as well, is the playing level of the student in terms of technique, intonation, sound, dynamics and performance.
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
Not established. Instructors use opportunities to observe students in their orchestras and chamber ensembles.
- Course web page:
- Note:
Instructors manage the alternation of individual chamber parts according composer notes and preference to solist and accompaniment elements.
- Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Obor Trubka (Bc) (compulsory subject of the main qualification)