

LIfe Signal Processing

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
300MDNA Z 2 3/S anglicky zimní
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„Live Signal Processing“ a lecture and workshop with visiting New York sound artist, composer and programmer Dafna Naphtali on the use of Live Signal Processing as a musical element in performance.

Description: Drawing on audio and programming examples from my own work in a variety of musical projects ( improvised music projects with avant- jazz musicians, contemporary classical piano work with Disklavier, a vocal sextet with live electronics, and What is it Like to be a Bat? a „digital punk trio“), as well as those of artists whom I have worked with as facilitator / programmer, we will discuss a wide range of approaches to working with sound processing as a musical element and also as a control source. The afternoon will also touch upon use of multi-channel point-source audio and working with video as a control source and output in projects. If we can have time I would be interested in looking at students Max/MSP patches and can touch on using Jitter.

Bio: Dafna Naphtali is a sound-artist/ singer/guitarist/electronic- musician from an eclectic musical bacground.

She composes/performs using her Max/MSP programming for sound processing of voice and other instruments. She has collaborated / performed with many experimental musicians & video artists over since 1994 She co-lead the digital chamber punk ensemble, What is it Like to be a Bat? w/ Kitty Brazelton , and helped found Magic Names vocal sextet.

Dafna also teaches and has given workshops at New York University and many other schools in the US and Europe, and is a regular consultant and programmer for the artist in residence program at Harvestworks (NY) since 1995, teaching Max/MSP, live sound processing/design, working on multi-channel audio projects and other interactive projects.

Commissions /awards : NY Foundation for the Arts, NY State Council on the Arts, Meet the Composer, Experimental TV Center, Brecht Forum, -- Residencies : STEIM (Holland), Music OMI and iEAR at Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute ?Commissions: American Composers Forum, Brecht Forum. 2011 Franklin Furnace Fund award (w/ Eric Singer?s music robots). She performs internationally at festivals and venues, and in India 2010 with Hindustani singer, Vidya Shah (American Music Ctr.) Her CDs: What is it Like to be a Bat (Tzadik/Oracles) (4 Stars, , and on Acheulian Handaxe.

Dafna will perform at Galerie Skolska 28 on November 6:

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Platnost dat k 3. 6. 2013
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