

Film music - introduction to its function, history and composers

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
300MFM Z 1 6/S anglicky letní
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Lecturer:Jiří Kadeřábek, coordinator Kateřina Klaricová

Date and time:Friday, April 27, 2012,10 am - 4 pm, FAMU Lazan palace, room 3

Assignement: Zá/1

1.Functions of Film Music (establishing setting, specifying a particular time and place, creating atmosphere etc.) - listing and examples

2.Film Composers (exclusive film composers or those coming from other environments) - listing and short bios

3.Composers' General Approaches (composing for film as restricting or liberating, reworking film music for the concert hall or vice versa etc.) - listing and explanation

4.Beginning of the Process (reading the script for inspiration, coming in after the film has been shot, seeing the film for the first time in rough cut etc.) - listing and explanation

5.Process of Composing (depending on institutional practices, relationships at work, power of the director etc.) - listing and explanation

6.Short History (silent films, conventions in 1927-1950, modernism and jazz in 50's, minimalism and rock in 60's, electronic music afterwards) - listing and examples

Jiří Kadeřábek, born in 1978, is an award-winning Czech composer. Originally jazz, rock and pop music composer, pianist and singer, he studied classical composition at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, Netherlands and Columbia University, New York City. His works have been commissioned and performed by the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra, Prague Philharmonia, New Juilliard Ensemble, Fourbythree, Ostravská Banda among others. He has also composed extensively for theater, film and various multimedia performances in the Czech Republic, Netherlands and US.

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