Departmental Study Trips 3
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
307EDE3 | Z | 1 | 2/D | anglicky | zimní |
- Garant předmětu:
- Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
- Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:
Students will be also familiarized with the study requirements and teaching methods at the Department of Still Photography.
The purpose is also for the students to get to know each other, and for the pedagogues to become familiar with the students? work which will thus enable them to better asses students skills, strong points or gaps in their knowledge.
This Departmental Study trip represents an introduction into the studies at the Department of Still Photography.
- Forma studia:
Students have to bring along the photographs they have taken up to that point, mainly the ones which represent their own creative work. Those photographs, that were not submitted for the Entry Exams , are welcome the most.
Students also have to bring their own 35mm camera!
- Předpoklady a další požadavky:
- Doporučené volitelné vzdělávací složky:
- Obsah kurzu:
Course Description:
Students will be also familiarized with the study requirements and teaching methods at the Department of Still Photography.
The purpose is also for the students to get to know each other, and for the pedagogues to become familiar with the students? work which will thus enable them to better asses students skills, strong points or gaps in their knowledge.
This Departmental Study trip represents an introduction into the studies at the Department of Still Photography.
The Study Trip will take place in the Teaching, Training and Accommodation Center in Beroun and will last for two days. Accommodation will be provided.
Students have to bring along the photographs they have taken up to that point, mainly the ones which represent their own creative work. Those photographs, that were not submitted for the Entry Exams , are welcome the most.
Students also have to bring their own 35mm camera!
Students have to provide individually for their own transportation.
It is possible to take a bus from the Radlická metro station leaving for Beroun at 7.55 a.m.
Mrs.Steckerová from the Department of Still Photography will be waiting at the bus stop and she will lead the students to the Center in Beroun.
Supervised by: Josef Ptáček
phone 274 818 105, 602 461 949
- Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:
- Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody:
- Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:
Students have to bring along the photographs they have taken up to that point, mainly the ones which represent their own creative work. Those photographs, that were not submitted for the Entry Exams , are welcome the most.
Students also have to bring their own 35mm camera!
- Webová stránka předmětu:
- Poznámka:
- Další informace:
- Pro tento předmět se rozvrh nepřipravuje
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)