

Techniques of Photography 3

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307ETE3 Z 1 26/S anglicky zimní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

Students learn about and master the rudiments of colour photography, mainly in practical work with the colour positive process, a colour analyser, a system of RGB filters and CMYK. Photographing on inverse material, chromatic temperature, using correction and converse filters and working with colorimeter.

Forma studia:

1.Colour negative and inverse materials, ways of their processing and use in practice.

Practical assignment: Photographing a colour model together with colour table in the studio on:

a/ inverse daylight film. Black and white and colour model. Using flash lighting, basic exposure, higher and lower apertures, use of 3 correction filters, a photograph taken in the studio artificial light and with a converse filter.

b/ inverse daylight film exposed in exterior using 3 exposures, then with a correction filter specified by colorimeter, a photograph in fluorescent lamp light and with a filter, a photograph of interior.

c/Photographing colour negative film after agreement with the tutor for the following own positive processing in the school lab.

2.Basics of colour developing.

Practical assignment: 2 approved colour enlargements 24x30 cm from the developed film, enlarged with the enlarger JOBO Color with help of colour analyser JOBO Colorline 7000 and on the developing machine THERMA PHOT ACP 502.

3.Basics of indoor photography, solving the problems of difference of chromaticity, windows etc.

Practical assignment: an evening reconstruction of lighting of the steps in Lažanský palace according to the shot made during the day.


A graded credit: given on the basis of handing in assignments that are graded in respect to how they comply with both the assignment and the quality of their processing.

Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.

Předpoklady a další požadavky:


Doporučené volitelné vzdělávací složky:
Obsah kurzu:

Practical demonstrations: colour negative and inverse materials, ways of their processing and use in practice.

Practical assignment:

A/ photographing a the colour model together with colour table in the studio on:

1 inverse daylight film. Using flash lighting, basic exposure, higher and lower apertures, use of 3 correction filters, a photograph taken in the studio artificial light and with a converse filter.

B/ 1 inverse daylight film exposed in exterior using 3 exposures, then with a correction filter specified by colorimeter, a photograph in fluorescent lamp light and with a filter, a photograph of interior.

C/ Photographing colour negative film after agreement with the tutor for the following own positive processing in the school lab.

Practical assignment: 2 approved colour enlargements 24x30 cm from the developed film, enlarged with the enlarger JOBO Color with help of colour analyser JOBO Colorline 7000 and on the developing machine THERMA PHOT ACP 502.

Name of a lecturer: Mgr. Martin Stecker

Contact: 737 725 095,

Consultation: Wednesday 2:50pm - 4:20pm, room 117

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Budou upřesněny v průběhu výuky

Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody:
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:


A graded credit: given on the basis of handing in assignments that are graded in respect to how they comply with both the assignment and the quality of their processing.

Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.

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