Theory of Photography 1
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
307ETH1 | Z | 1 | 26/S | anglicky | zimní |
- Garant předmětu:
- Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
- Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:
- Forma studia:
- Předpoklady a další požadavky:
Theory of Photography
First semester:
1) Introduction in the problematics
2) Berger John: Ways of Seeing
3) Walter Benjamin,: A Short History of Photography, Walter, Benjamin,: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
4) Barthes Roland: Rethoric of the Image, Barthes Roland: Mythology
5) Sontag, Suzanne: On Photography
6) Flusser, Vilém: Towards the History of Photography
Second Semestr:
7) McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media
8) Sekula, Allan: On the Invention on Photographic Meaning
9) Baudrillard, Jean: various essays
10) Crimp, Douglas: Photography as Postmodern Activity
11) Solomon-Godeau, Abigail: Photography after Art Photography
12) Manovich, Lev: various essays
Basic Literature:
Barthes, Roland: Camera Lucida,
Barthes Roland: Mythology
Barthes Roland: Rethoric of the Image
Baudrillard, Jean: various essays
Berger John: Ways of Seeing
Benjamin, Walter: A Short History of Photography
Walter, Benjamin,: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproductions
Crimp, Douglas: Photography as Postmnodern Activity
Flusser, Vilém: Towards the History of Photography
Manovich, Lev: various essays
McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media
Sekula, Allan: On the Invention on Photographic Meaning
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail: Photography after Art Photography
Sontag, Suzanne: On Photography
Key words: philosophy, semiotics, analysis, structuralism, postructuralism, media, communication, modernist, postmodern
Course Outline:
This seminar is aimed at deep analysis of broad variety of functions and paradigms of photography as a means of social communication.
Reading theoretical texts on photography (and culture in general) and its critical judgement is demanded. It connects photography with semiotics and inter-culturual disciplines.
Students shall be asked to prepare papers on various texts (see lit.) and also on various exhibitions (according to the given possibilities). They will present them in front of the other students and thus subdue these essays to their critical discussion.
Each student is supposed to have at least one presentation per semesetr.
Participation in discussions: 45%
Presentation of essays in front of other students: 45%
Participation in course 10% (however not less than 60%)
- Doporučené volitelné vzdělávací složky:
Theory of Photography
First semester:
1) Introduction in the problematics
2) Berger John: Ways of Seeing
3) Walter Benjamin,: A Short History of Photography, Walter, Benjamin,: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
4) Barthes Roland: Rethoric of the Image, Barthes Roland: Mythology
5) Sontag, Suzanne: On Photography
6) Flusser, Vilém: Towards the History of Photography
Second Semestr:
7) McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media
8) Sekula, Allan: On the Invention on Photographic Meaning
9) Baudrillard, Jean: various essays
10) Crimp, Douglas: Photography as Postmodern Activity
11) Solomon-Godeau, Abigail: Photography after Art Photography
12) Manovich, Lev: various essays
Basic Literature:
Barthes, Roland: Camera Lucida,
Barthes Roland: Mythology
Barthes Roland: Rethoric of the Image
Baudrillard, Jean: various essays
Berger John: Ways of Seeing
Benjamin, Walter: A Short History of Photography
Walter, Benjamin,: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproductions
Crimp, Douglas: Photography as Postmnodern Activity
Flusser, Vilém: Towards the History of Photography
Manovich, Lev: various essays
McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media
Sekula, Allan: On the Invention on Photographic Meaning
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail: Photography after Art Photography
Sontag, Suzanne: On Photography
Key words: philosophy, semiotics, analysis, structuralism, postructuralism, media, communication, modernist, postmodern
Course Outline:
This seminar is aimed at deep analysis of broad variety of functions and paradigms of photography as a means of social communication.
Reading theoretical texts on photography (and culture in general) and its critical judgement is demanded. It connects photography with semiotics and inter-culturual disciplines.
Students shall be asked to prepare papers on various texts (see lit.) and also on various exhibitions (according to the given possibilities). They will present them in front of the other students and thus subdue these essays to their critical discussion.
Each student is supposed to have at least one presentation per semesetr.
Participation in discussions: 45%
Presentation of essays in front of other students: 45%
Participation in course 10% (however not less than 60%)
- Obsah kurzu:
- Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:
- Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody:
- Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:
- Webová stránka předmětu:
- Poznámka:
On alternate year for 2. and 3. class (2010/11).
- Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2012/2013:
- Rozvrh zatím není připraven
- Rozvrh na letní semestr 2012/2013:
- Rozvrh zatím není připraven
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Fotografie EN - bakalář (oborový předmět)