

Optical basis of Photography 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307ETR2 ZK 1 13/S anglicky letní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

The aim of this subject is to try and verify in practice theoretical knowledge acquired in subjects such as the Physical and Chemical Fundamentals of Photography by solving concrete tasks. Students will also learn how to use the technical equipment of the Photography Department, including methods of comparing images processed using analogue and digital technologies.

Forma studia:


WS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of a test from theoretical knowledge and evaluation of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality of processing

SS - an exam: test and evaluation of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing

Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.

Předpoklady a další požadavky:


Doporučené volitelné vzdělávací složky:
Obsah kurzu:

Assignments: (practical 1P1)

Practical demonstrations: daylight and studio light, different kinds of light, basic principles, possibilities of changing the light character and mastering the light. Advantages of particular systems.

Practical demonstrations: basic kinds of cameras, their construction, advantages and use of work with Sinar camera.

Practical assignment: making 1 print under glass with grey and colour model - demonstration of transferring colours into black and white spectrum, deciding on the right exposure, and demonstration of ways of developing 6x9 cm. (1 enlargement 24x30cm)

Practical demonstrations: work with polarizing filter and removing reflections, lighting with polarizing light. Extreme limits of school lenses, visual field, basic tests of resolution.

Practical assignment: 1 photograph of the surface structure of a subject with practical use of Scheimpflug's condition of developing the film 9x12cm. (1 enlargement 30x40cm)

Practical demonstrations: perspective and focal length, equalization of perpendiculars - restitution, deciding on light range of the scene.

Practical assignment: making 2 compositions of geometrical subjects with different lighting and perspective, using restitution in one picture. (2 enlargements 24x30cm)

Digital cameras, their use, comparison of analogue and digital photographs of static and moving objects. The following assignments will always be a contemporary confrontation of the two technologies following the practical Rudiments of Computer Work and Digital Representation lectured by MgA. Tomáš Dvořák.

Practical demonstrations: technical rudiments of photographing glass, ways of lighting, used material

Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm, the way of lighting will be chosen by a student + digital record

Practical demonstration: technical rudiments of photographing porcelain

Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm + digital record

8. Practical demonstration: technical rudiments of photographing metal objects .Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm + digital record

9. Practical demonstration: technical rudiments of photographing material and body surface

Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm + digital record


WS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing

SS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing

Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.

Lectured by: Mgr. Martin Stecker

Contact: 737 725 095,

Consultation: Wednesday 3pm - 5pm, room 117

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Recommended literature

David Falk, Dieter Brill, David Stork: Seeing the Light, 1986 by John Wiley and Sons. Inc.

Thomas D.Rossing, Christopher J. Chiaverina: Light Science, 1999 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

Evans, R.M.: An Introduction to Color (1948 - 6B 859, 1959 - 6B 757, 1965 - 6B 1214)

Evans, R.M.: Eye, Film and Camera in Color Photography (1959 - 6B 756)

Langford, M.J.: Advanced Photography (1972 - 6B 1350)

sborník Principles of Color Sensitometry (1955 - 6B 865)

Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody:
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

Assignments: (practical 1P1)

Practical demonstrations: daylight and studio light, different kinds of light, basic principles, possibilities of changing the light character and mastering the light. Advantages of particular systems.

Practical demonstrations: basic kinds of cameras, their construction, advantages and use of work with Sinar camera.

Practical assignment: making 1 print under glass with grey and colour model - demonstration of transferring colours into black and white spectrum, deciding on the right exposure, and demonstration of ways of developing 6x9 cm. (1 enlargement 24x30cm)

Practical demonstrations: work with polarizing filter and removing reflections, lighting with polarizing light. Extreme limits of school lenses, visual field, basic tests of resolution.

Practical assignment: 1 photograph of the surface structure of a subject with practical use of Scheimpflug's condition of developing the film 9x12cm. (1 enlargement 30x40cm)

Practical demonstrations: perspective and focal length, equalization of perpendiculars - restitution, deciding on light range of the scene.

Practical assignment: making 2 compositions of geometrical subjects with different lighting and perspective, using restitution in one picture. (2 enlargements 24x30cm)

Digital cameras, their use, comparison of analogue and digital photographs of static and moving objects. The following assignments will always be a contemporary confrontation of the two technologies following the practical Rudiments of Computer Work and Digital Representation lectured by MgA. Tomáš Dvořák.

Practical demonstrations: technical rudiments of photographing glass, ways of lighting, used material

Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm, the way of lighting will be chosen by a student + digital record

Practical demonstration: technical rudiments of photographing porcelain

Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm + digital record

8. Practical demonstration: technical rudiments of photographing metal objects .Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm + digital record

9. Practical demonstration: technical rudiments of photographing material and body surface

Practical assignment: 1 photograph 30x40cm + digital record


WS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing

SS - a graded credit will be given on the basis of the work presented by the student, the teacher will assess exact compliance with the assignment and the quality processing

Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.

Lectured by: Mgr. Martin Stecker

Contact: 737 725 095,

Consultation: Wednesday 3pm - 5pm, room 117

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místnost TR 304
Učebna KF

(Tržiště 20, Praha 1)

(paralelka 1)

Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky
Út 19:00–20:35 KRUMPL V. Učebna KF
Tržiště 20, Praha 1
paralelka 1
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