

Sense of Place

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307MSOP Z 2 5/D anglicky zimní
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Instruktor: Peter Bialobrzeski, koordinátor Viktor Kolář

Date and time: Dec 5 to 9, Mon - 10 - 16 ,Tu,Wed,Thur,Fri - 9 -16, Tržiště Respirium 303,

in english

Assignement: 2 credits

Foreign and Czech students /10/ FAMU-Department of Photography

Modul with Peter Bialobrzeski /1961 Wolfsburg/ Documentary and press photographer and lecturer


This workshop aims to look at the possibilities of creating "A sense

of Place„. Contrary to public opinion the “tools" of photography are

not exposure time and aperture but the abilities of the photographer

to capture the mood of a space or the sense of a person. Without those

skills a photographer can´ t create complex bodies of work.

Participants will shoot with digital cameras and will create images

that will feature a personal perspective looking at a chosen place

within the vincinity of the area where the workshop will be held. The

question of „truth“ will be an integral part of the debate in the

workshop. Images might be manipulated on the computer as an extended darkroom tool.

Unmanipulated images can look so strange, that we hardly believe in their authentic state. This will not be a workshop that teaches technical side of manipulation. It will rather discuss the extended possibilities of the digital image making and the way it changes our perception of a photograph. Previous research about the subject is at least recommended. How is a place being represented in contemporary photographic practice? How was it represented by painters?


Peter Bialobrzeski (born 1961 in Wolfsburg, Germany) is a photographer and a professor of photography at the University of the Arts Bremen in Germany.Bialobrzeski originally studied politics and sociology in Germany before he studied photography at University of Essen and at the London College of Printing (now University of the Arts London).Bialobrzeski's photographs have been published in many magazines, and he has worked for corporate clients such as Daimler-Chrysler, Philip Morris, Siemens, and Volkswagen. He taught as a visiting Professor at the University of Essen before he was appointed in 2002 as a Professor for photography at the University of the Arts Bremen.Bialobrzeski is perhaps best known for his exhibit Neon Tigers, glistening photos of ballooning metropolises in Asia

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