Creative Documentary Today
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
311MCDT | Z | 3 | 4/D | anglicky | zimní |
- Garant předmětu:
- Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
- Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:
- Forma studia:
- Předpoklady a další požadavky:
- Doporučené volitelné vzdělávací složky:
- Obsah kurzu:
This module takes place within most important Central European event of its kind - International Documentary Film Festival in Jihlava (app. 110km out of Prague, website:
Each registered participant of this module organized with co-operation with the festival (with limited number of participants) will receive accreditation Industry Professional and will follow partly given program; partly follow screenings on his/her own selection. Each participant will be offered also cheap accommodation in Jihlava from 25th to 28th October (to be paid by participant).
Details on final locations of each event will be given by e-mail or by guest service in Jihlava.
- Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:
- Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody:
Module coordinator is Jitka Hejtmanova
- Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:
To accomplish the module we require:
1. 80 % of attendance on compulsory part of the program
2. essay 2-4 pages on one of the issues:
a) Reflection of trends in creative documentary seen from the festival´s perspective
b) Topical and stylistic analysis of one film within festival program or comparative study on more films with similar topic
The text must be sent to till 10th November.
- Webová stránka předmětu:
- Poznámka:
We will be leaving Prague Thursday at 12:00, on Sunday we will leave Jihlava later then 5 pm. Time of departure will be specified latest on Wednesday, Oct 24 and announced to participants via FAMU e-mails.
Compulsory program:
THURSDAY (25th Oct)
18.30 - 20.00 | FESTIVAL HUB 2012 powered by PechaKucha | Unique presentation of international festivals given by their representatives
FRIDAY (26th Oct)
9.00 - 10.00 | MORNING STARTER: How to get your documentary film to non-European film festivals
10.00 - 11.30 LECTURE: Legal Issues of International Co-production I | First part of the series of four lectures by Stefan Rüll, German lawyer and specialist in international co-production and author´s rights. Other 3 parts of this program, which follows, are part of the recommended program.
11:30 - 12:30 Visegrad Accelerator Panel Discussion - a panel with directors of main TV stations of Visegrad treatment countries (CZ, PL, H, SK) on cinema issues
SATURDAY (27th Oct)
9.00 - 10.00 | MORNING STARTER: New results and experience in online distribution
10.00 - 12.30 | DIRECTOR´S MASTER CLASS: Mads Brügger - Mocking and Telling the Truth | Master class & screening of Mads Brügger´s latest successful festival hit The Ambassador (Denmark, 2011, 94 min). (In association with Institute of Documentary Film)
SUNDAY (28th Oct)
10.00 - 13.15 | PRODUCER´S MASTER CLASS: Heino Deckert - Vivan Las Antipodas! | Master class of Heino Deckert & screening of Victor Kossakovsky´s latest film Vivan Las Antipodas! (Netherlands, Argentina, Chile, 2011, 108 min)
Other recommended program within Professional Industry section:
THURSDAY (25th Oct)
16.00 - 17.30 | INSPIRATION FORUM: Tariq Ali | Public lecture and discussion about themes not yet treated in documentary films | Tariq Ali: Writer, journalist, filmmaker and left-wing political activist of Pakistani origin. On Pakistani situation and Western influences within the area.
FRIDAY (26th Oct)
11.30 - 13.30, 15.00 - 17.00, 17.15 - 18.15 | LECTURE: Legal Issues of International Co-production I- IV | A series of four lectures by Stefan Rüll, German lawyer and specialist in international co-production and author´s rights. (Organized by Institute of Documentary Film)
16.00 - 17.30 | INSPIRATION FORUM: Gao Xingjian | Public lecture and discussion about themes not yet treated in documentary films | Gao Xingjian: Chinese novelist, playwright, and critic, living and working in France. In 2000, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature „for an oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity.“
18.30 - 20.00 | EMERGING PRODUCERS 2013 | Presentation of 18 European talented producers of documentary film
SATURDAY (27th Oct)
10.00 - 13.00 | DISTRIBUTION FORUM | New projects produced by key European producers
SUNDAY (28th Oct)
9.00 - 10.00 | MORNING STARTER: Awarded directors and producers at Jihlava IDFF 2012
- Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2012/2013:
Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky 25.10.2012 12:00–22:00 JANEČEK V. Jihlava paralelka 1 26.10.2012 09:00–22:00 JANEČEK V. Jihlava paralelka 1 27.10.2012 09:00–22:00 JANEČEK V. Jihlava paralelka 1 28.10.2012 09:00–22:00 JANEČEK V. Jihlava paralelka 1 - Rozvrh na letní semestr 2012/2013:
- Rozvrh zatím není připraven
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
- Cinema and Digital Media - Cinematography (oborový předmět)
- Cinema and Digital Media - Screenwriting (oborový předmět)
- Cinema and Digital Media - Directing (oborový předmět)