1. semestr |
311CAST |
Casting Directing |
Z |
2 |
311CC1 |
Czech Cinema 1 |
ZK |
2 |
311DTU1 |
Directing Tutorial 1 |
Z |
4 |
311ADAP |
Film Adaptations on Literary Sources |
ZK |
2 |
311HIC |
(Hi)story in Cinema |
ZK |
2 |
311ITD1 |
Idea and topic developement 1 |
Z |
2 |
311ISCC1 |
Individual Script Consultation 1 |
Z |
1 |
311LR |
Location Reading |
Z |
2 |
311ORW |
Orientation Week |
Z |
4 |
311ORCZ |
Orientation Week: Survival Czech |
Z |
1 |
311PRAN |
Practical Analysis 1 |
Z |
2 |
311SA1 |
Script Analysis 1 |
Z |
3 |
311SAE |
Soundtrack Aesthetics |
Z |
2 |
311STO |
Storyboarding |
Z |
1 |
311SUCZ |
Survival Czech |
ZK |
2 |
311SYW |
Synchronization Week |
Z |
4 |
311WACA1 |
Working with Actors 1 |
Z |
1 |
Cinema Dance |
Modules |
311DR |
Double Role |
Z |
2 |
311FASC |
Fascination with Prague/Fictive Reportage |
Z |
1 |
311KISS |
First Kiss |
Z |
3 |
311STA |
Setting the Table |
Z |
1 |
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr |
30 |
Součet kreditů za povinné předměty v tomto semestru |
44 |
2. semestr |
311AACI1 |
American Avantgarde Cinema 1 |
Z |
6 |
311CC2 |
Czech Cinema 2 |
ZK |
2 |
311DTU2 |
Directing Tutorial 2 |
Z |
4 |
311FFCS |
Film Festivals - Case Studies |
Z |
1 |
311ITD2 |
Idea and topic developement 2 |
Z |
2 |
311ISCC2 |
Individual Script Consultation 2 |
Z |
1 |
311IS |
Introduction to the Soundrack |
Z |
2 |
311PRA2 |
Practical Analysis 2 |
ZK |
2 |
311SA2 |
Script Analysis 2 |
ZK |
3 |
311SUR |
Surrealism |
Z |
2 |
311HFS |
The History of Film Space |
ZK |
3 |
311TVIE |
TV Studio Introduction and Excersise |
Z |
2 |
311WACA2 |
Working with Actors 2 |
Z |
1 |
Cinema Dance |
Modules |
311CGW1 |
Colorgrading Workshop 1 |
Z |
2 |
311FCO1 |
Final Commission 1 |
ZK |
6 |
311TVIE |
TV Studio Introduction and Excersise |
Z |
2 |
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr |
30 |
Součet kreditů za povinné předměty v tomto semestru |
39 |
3. semestr |
311ANPA1 |
Art, Narrativity, Politics and Aesthetics 1 |
Z |
2 |
311DTU3 |
Directing Tutorial 3 |
Z |
4 |
311FSC1 |
Feature Screenwriting 1 |
Z |
3 |
311FSF |
Film Style and Form |
ZK |
3 |
311ISCC3 |
Individual Script Consultation 3 |
Z |
1 |
311PA3 |
Practical Analysis 3 |
ZK |
2 |
311TS |
Thesis Seminar |
Z |
2 |
Cinema Dance |
Modules |
311FP1 |
Feature Film Screenwriting Project 1 |
Z |
2 |
311LD |
Location Drama |
Z |
2 |
311PPDR |
Pedagogical Practicum - DOUBLE ROLE |
Z |
1 |
311PIXI |
Pixilation |
Z |
2 |
311IDS |
Power of Imagination / Documentary project / Short Fiction |
Z |
2 |
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr |
30 |
4. semestr |
311APW |
Advanced Producing Workshop |
Z |
2 |
311AACI2 |
American Avantgarde Cinema 2 |
Z |
6 |
311ANPA2 |
Art, Narrativity, Politics and Aesthetics 2 |
ZK |
3 |
311DTU4 |
Directing Tutorial 4 |
Z |
4 |
311FSC2 |
Feature Screenwriting 2 |
Z |
3 |
311GRA |
Grading and Postproduction |
Z |
2 |
311ISCC4 |
Individual Script Consultation 4 |
Z |
1 |
311HFS |
The History of Film Space |
ZK |
3 |
311WD |
Workshop in Dramaturgy |
Z |
2 |
Cinema Dance |
Modules |
311FP2 |
Feature Film Screenwriting Project 2 |
ZK |
2 |
311FCO2 |
Final Commission 2 |
ZK |
6 |
311PPWF |
Pedagogical Practicum - Watching Films |
Z |
1 |
311TRIA |
The Triangle |
Z |
4 |
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr |
30 |
Součet kreditů za povinné předměty v tomto semestru |
39 |
5. semestr |
311DTU5 |
Directing Tutorial 5 |
Z |
4 |
311FSC3 |
Feature Screenwriting 3 |
Z |
3 |
311FPCS |
Film Production - Case Studies |
Z |
1 |
311ISCC5 |
Individual Script Consultation 5 |
Z |
1 |
311THES1 |
Thesis Mentorship 1 |
Z |
3 |
Cinema Dance |
Modules |
311FP3 |
Feature Film Screenwriting Project 3 |
Z |
2 |
311GRA1 |
Graduation Project 1 |
Z |
5 |
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr |
30 |
6. semestr |
311DTU6 |
Directing Tutorial 6 |
Z |
4 |
311FSC4 |
Feature Screenwriting 4 |
Z |
3 |
311ISCC6 |
Individual Script Consultation 6 |
Z |
1 |
311HFS |
The History of Film Space |
ZK |
3 |
311THES2 |
Thesis Mentorship 2 |
Z |
2 |
Cinema Dance |
Modules |
311FP4 |
Feature Film Screenwriting Project 4 |
ZK |
2 |
311GRA2 |
Graduation Project 2 |
Z |
5 |
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr |
30 |