

Conducting (8201T005)

master's programme qualification

Specific admission requirements:

a) a programme sheet of compositions learned with a choir and orchestra, compositions prepared in the subjects of choir, orchestra and operatic repertoire, as well as compositions learned or performed outside the school

b) a sample of work with an orchestra - along with the application, the candidatewill submit an audio-visual recording of a rehearsal

c) a sample of work with singers from the piano, specifically:

-in Puccini´s operas Madama Butterfly, Tosca or La Bohéme

-in Mozart´s operas The Marriage of Figaro or Don Giovanni (in the original language)

The candidate arranges the singers, and accompanies and leads the learning himself/herself.

d) an interview in which the candidate demonstrates his or her musical and general cultural awareness and level of theoretical knowledge

e) candidates who completed their Bachelor´s studies at other Czech or foreign institutions must demonstrate their knowledge of a repertoire comparable to that contained in the Faculty´s educational curricula;foreign candidates may substitute Czech opera titles with titles of other works of world operatic literature

NOTE:Candidates from other universities will submit an audio-visual recording of their Bachelor´s concert and will complete, as part of the entrance examination, a test in orchestral and operatic repertoire from the piano in accordance with the requirements of the educational curricula of the Department of Conducting at the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU).

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:

The programme does not have any specific requirements for the recognition of prior learning. The procedure for recognition at AMU is governed by Articles 89 and 90 of the Act on Higher Education Institutions No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, and by the AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations (Articles 8, 14, 18).

Qualification requirements and regulations

Completed university education in a Bachelor?s programme in Conducting.

Regulations: The Czech education system is governed by the Act on Higher Education Institutions, as amended (Act No. 111/1998 Coll.), and by the internal regulations of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

Profil oboru:

The goal of the programme is to master perfectly the issues of the conducting profession, to deepen practical experience working with symphonic and operatic ensembles and to conduct an orchestra and operatic performances or parts thereof in connection with the requirements of modern creative methods.

Key learning outcomes:

Study and interpretation of modern and traditional compositions.

The ability to independently interpret a musical work meeting the requirements of an autonomous musical creation. Perfect mastery of work with symphonic and chamber bodies, including operatic ensembles.

Gradual application of skills in musical and cultural operations, the ability to participate actively in them.Ability to formulate arguments in theoretical and creative discussions about composition on a professional level, and the ability to be independent in developing the student?s own or required dramaturgical plans.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples:

Graduates of this programme are an important element of Czech national heritage and contribute to its preservation, expansion and further development on the national and international level.Graduates apply their skills at music organisations throughout the country and abroad.A relationship to the professional scene is in part a consequence of the fact that many outstanding interpretative artists are also pedagogues in the Faculty.

Access to further studies:

The doctoral programme in Interpretation and Interpretation Theory.Lifelong learning programmes, master courses, etc.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading:

Studies are assessed by credits and examinations stipulated by study plans.The student is informed of these through the information system. The student registers for examinations using the information system, and is entitled to a second and third attempt to pass an examination.If neither of these attempts proves successful, the Dean may in exceptional cases permit a fourth attempt (administered by a commission).It is not permitted to repeat an examination for the main subjects or to repeat written examinations. The credit is an ungraded form of assessment of studies.It is allocated upon fulfilment of requirements stipulated for individual subjects and is recorded in the information system with the word „Credited“ (Z).An examination is a graded form of assessment of studies, which tests knowledge and level of creativity in the relevant subject.In the main subjects, examinations are administered by a commission.An examination may be practical, written, oral, or involve a combination of these methods.Examinations are graded on the scale „A, B, C, D, E, F“.

Graduation requirements:

The student fulfils the requirements corresponding to the study plan.The student passes the final state examination.The conditions of advancement to the Master?s examination include the realisation of the graduate concert with an orchestra and conducting an operatic performance.Their defence is part of the State Master?s Examination in the field of Conducting.An additional requirement is the elaboration of a supplemental theoretical written work in accordance with an assigned topic (its defence is also part of the State Master?s Examination in the field of Conducting).

The State Master?s Examination consists of the following parts:

- the diploma thesis and its defence (a theoretical written work);

- discussion and defence of the Master?s concert and operatic performance;

- an oral examination on the theory of conducting.

Mode of study:
Qualification director or equivalent:
Obor je součástí studijního programu:
Study plans of qualification:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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