

 Flute Playing 5

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
106FL5 Z 11 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Radomír PIVODA, Jiří VÁLEK
Name of lecturer(s):
Radomír PIVODA, Jiří VÁLEK
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Fingering technique, intonation, rhythm feeling, tone and breathing quality and interpretation imagination are instructed using the most difficult etudes. Recital pieces are oriented towards the pivotal flute repertoire.

1. The most difficult etudes in technical, embouchure, rhythm and breathing aspects. Precise intonation and technique is given attention - Jeanjean, Tomaszewski, Tillmetz

2. Tone release quality checking and improving staccato.

3. Pivotal clarinet recital repertoire pieces - Martinů, Migot, Benda, Haendel, Quantz, Richter, Rivier, Andersen, Casella, Honegger.

Mode of study:

Individual contact instruction

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components:

Chamber literature of duets, trios and other combinations of wind, string, keyboard and percussion instruments.

Course contents:

The flute is an instrument of many music groups. This course provides students with all skills needed for playing the flute. The course guides the student to the final bachelor's course. All student work is linked to toward the Bachelor graduation concert and the Bachelor's thesis. Appropriate topics and repretoire are searched for. To place the greatest technical demands on the student, etudes with the most difficult technical, embouchure and breathing aspects - Jeanjean, Tomaszewski, Tillmetz. Students achieve refined fingering technique with the potential for holding any type of tone. The tone quality must fulfill requirements of compositions of all style periods. The intonation level must bear the most challenging requirements. One's personal approach is required. The course repertoire reflects the interests of the students and becomes their business care. It is necessary to go through pivotal flute repertoire - Martinů, Migot, Benda, Haendel, Quantz, Richter, Rivier, Andersen, Casella, Honegger. It is good if the dissertation originates from a topic near to the interests of the student and enables the broadest and highest quality. Double-staccato in instructed with all students.

Recommended or required reading:

Joh. Sebastian Bach Partita pro flétnu solo

Ervín Schulhoff Sonáta pro flétnu a klavír

Henri Dutilleux Sonatine pour Flute et Piano

Sergej Prokofjev Sonáta pro flétnu a klavír

Taffanel- Gaubert Kadence ke koncertům G dur a D dur W. A. Mozarta

Antonio Vivaldi Koncerty pro flétnu

W. A. Mozart Koncert pro flétnu a harfu

Karl Stamitz Koncert G dur

Václav Riedelbauch In memoriam - fl. a kl.

Cecile Chaminade Concertino op. 107

Edgard Varese Density 21.5

Franz Doppler Fantaisie Pastorale Hongroise

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Participation of students in auditions for symphonic and opera orchestras.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Assessment of instrument and orchestra playing. Fulfillment of the established repertoire.

Course web page:

Instructors manage the alternation of individual orchestra parts according to composer notes.

Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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