

 French Horn Playing 9

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
106LR9 Z 20 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course forms the student's personality, and searching for way to prepare them as a future solo or chamber musician, or possibly orchestra or teaching career. The students' viewpoints are compared to the instructor's and directed to the proper or potential standard. Emphasis is placed on efforts towards the dramaturgy concept of one's concert. Compositions place the greatest demand in mastering all aspects of playing the instrument. Compositions which are the touchstone of all prominent soloists on this instrument. This course continues instruction in modern and non-traditional techniqes.

1. Compositions - C. Foerster, R. Strauss, J. Pauer.

2. Internation competition compositions

3. Instruction in modern and non-traditional techniques.

Mode of study:

On-going participation in chamber competitions and in symphonic and opera orchestra auditions.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Instrument skills at the level corresponding to the study year and student profile.

Recommended optional programme components:

Chamber literature in duets, trios and other combinations of wind, string, keyboard and percussion instruments.

Course contents:

French Horn 9 is oriented towards the preparations for the master's graduation concert and thesis. Appropriate repertoire and thesis topic are searched for. Considering that the master's graduation concert is not just the business card of the instructor, the student is guided to independent decisions regarding the concert dramaturgy content. This decision must be supported by a knowledge of dramaturgy, and ideas of how to link and entire evening. This course gives the student the opportunity to select their own idea. Similarly, with the thesis, which reflects student interest in some topics. This guides the student to their own creative path which awaits them after leaving school. The student is prepared for an independent career. The student's views are compared with those of the professor and guided to the right or possible standards. This course works with the student as with an exceptional music figure who has no apparent issues in playing the instrument. They have a high level of technique, tone quality, intonation and performance skills. These are requirements to withstand competition in the soloist, chamber and orchestral music fields. This course continues the set course of the previous course, mainly, one's own creative activities, very good French horn technique, tone quality, intonation moving in the direction of the „perfect form.“ The aim is the highest standard of mastery of the greatest number of compositions for the French Horn. International competitions are a good guide for composition selection. Compositions by C. Foerster, R. Strauss, J. Pauer can be arranged into instruction but needn't be used in the graduation concert.

Recommended or required reading:

Ch. Förster Koncert č. 2

R. Strauss Koncert č. 2

J. Pauer Koncert

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Student participation in Chamber Music competitions and auditions for symphonic and opera orchestras.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Student performance is assessed in all facets of performance. First of all the composition the student played is examined and individual pitfalls of performance are pointed out. Also assessed is how the student dealt with these problems. Noted, as well, is the playing level of the student in terms of technique, intonation, sound, dynamics and performance.

Course web page:

Instructors manage the alternation of individual chamber parts according composer notes and preference to solist and accompaniment elements.

Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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