

Modern Dance Schools 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107MTS2 ZK 2 2/T Czech summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course is a detailed introduction to the development of dance in the modern period. It focuses on the newly constituted dance style of so called Expressive dance. (Ausdruckstanz).

Mode of study:

Presentation, video screenings, text analyses.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

This course assumes the completion of an overview of history lectures in Survey of the History of Dance and Ballet and Survey of the History of Ballet in the Czech Republic.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

The main representatives of modern dance

Members of the pioneer generation: Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, Grete Wiesenthal (investigating new manners of dance expression, new movement styles, independent from classical dance techniques);

The Emile Jaques-Dalcroze School; its representatives, main characteristics and development with an emphasis on the creations of Rosalie Chladek and Jarmila Kroescholova;

The Rudolf Laban School; Rudolf Laban's theory work (kinetography and movement analysis), artistic activity and its principles (choral dance, Bewegungschor); the most important students, Mary Wigman and the concept of absolute dance, Kurt Jooss and Tanztheater;

Representative of other directions in modern dance in Europe, an overview of the development of modern dance in individual European countries including Czechoslovakia, overlapping influences of European dancers in other parts of the world.

Modern Dance in America

The Denishawn School: its design, Ruth St. Denis (music visualization) and Ted Shawn (Male dancer);

Martha Graham

Doris Humphrey and Jose Limon

Merce Cunningham and his influence on changes in modern dance.

From Modern dance to post-modern (The Judson Church group)

Recommended or required reading:

Auf der grossen Strasse: Jean Weidt. Erinnerungen, Berlin 1984.

Vernon-Warren, Bettina; Warren, Charles: Gertrud Bodenwieser and Vienna´s contributions to Ausdruckstanz, Harwood Academic Publishers 1999.

Grete Wiesenthal. Die Schönheit der Sprache des Körpers im Tanz, Salzburg, Wien 1985.

Jeder Mensch ist ein Tänzer. Ausdruckstanz in Deutschland zwischen 1900 und 1945, Giessen 1993.

Jooss, Kurt: Die Sprache des Tanztheaters. In: Ballett Journal, 34, 1986, č. 6, s. 17.

Nikolaus, paul: Tänzerinnen, München 1919.

Pirchan, Emil: Harald Kreutzberg, Wien 1941.

Siblík, Emanuel: Isadora, Praha 1929.

Siblík, Emanuel: Tanec mimo nás i v nás, Praha 1937.

Brandstetter, Gabriele; Ochaim, Brygida Maria: Loie Fuller, Freiburg 1989.

Mille, Agnes de: Martha. The Life and Work of Martha Graham, Hutchinson 1992.

Banes, Sally: Terpsichore in Sneakers, Boston 1980.

Mazo, J. H.: Prime Movers, London 1977.

Cohen, Selma Jeanne ed.: Doris Humphrey: An Artist First, Connecticut 1965.

Shelton, Suzanne: Divine Dancer: A Biography of ruth St.Denis, New York 1981.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on:

participation in lectures

reading assigned literature

oral exam

During the semester reading the assigned literature, participation in lectures, and independent study are required. The oral exam makes up nearly 90% of the overall grading.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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