

Survey of the History of Dance and Ballet 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107PDB1 Z 3 2/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The lecture should provide an overview of the development of dance culture in the Czech lands and create parallels between the history of dance in Bohemia and the overall European context.

Mode of study:

Presentation, analyses of texts and sources, working with iconographic material, related literature readings.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of "Survey of the History of Dance and Ballet.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

In the first semester the presentation of the development of artistic dane in Bohemia regards the oldes period up to the end of the 18th century.

Periodization of the history of artistic dance in Bohemia: definition of the basic phases of development, their characteristics, distinctive features and main representatives; development of Czech dance historiography, main figures.

Overview and characteristics of sources for studying dance in Bohemia: characteristics of individual types of sources with an emphasis on written and iconographic sources, changes in sources in relation to time. Examples of the most important dance sources in our country and in individual periods. Dance in the oldest period; reports about dance in the oldest written monuments of Czech writing (Chronicles, religious and moral writings, adminisrative documents, etc.) and the potential of their interpretation. The oldest period in iconographic evidence (book paintings, depictions on utensils, sculpture, frescos, stoves)

Dance arts in early modern times. Beginnings of theatralized dance forms. Responses to Renaissance and Baroque aristocratic dance forms. Special ballet de cour (Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense).

The first theatre dance performance. Dance as a part of nomadic society production. Palace theatre and dance. repertoire, figures (Johann Baptista Danese).

Beginnings of theatre dance in public theatres. The Prague theatre scene of the 18th century (Šporkovo Theatre, Theatre in Kotcich, Estates Theatre, State theatre. Ballet in Moravian theatre (Brno in the period of J.B. Bergopzoom).

Recommended or required reading:

Český taneční slovník, Divadelní ústav, Praha 2001.

Divadlo v Kotcích 1739-1783, Praha 1992.

Brodská, Božena: Dějiny baletu v Čechách a na Moravě do roku 1945, v tisku (vydání 2006).

Dějiny českého divadla, I, II, Praha 1968, 1969.

Hilmera, Jiří: Costanza e Fortezza. In: Divadlo, č. 9, 1958.

Hilmera, Jiří: Phasma Dionysiacum a další divadelní představení roku 1617. FHB 17, 1994, s. 133-141.

Kazárová, Helena: Kdo byl Johann Baptista Danese. Taneční listy, č. 1, 1991, s. 15-16, č. 2, 1991, s. 13-15.

Kazárová, Helena: Šlechtická divadla a tanec. Taneční listy, 1993, č. 3, s. 14-16; č. 6, s. 14-15.

Menčík, Ferdinand: Něco z dějin baletu. Národní listy, 1. 9. 1895.

Scherl, Adolf: Berufstheater in Prag 1680-1737, Wien 1999.

Waldau, Alfred: Geschichte des böhmischen Nationaltanzes, Prag 1861.

Zíbrt, Čeněk: Jak se kdy v Čechách tancovalo, Praha 1895.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on:

participation in lectures

reading the related literature

a credit written test

During the course reading of the related literature, participation in lectures. The credit test is written and makes up 90% of the grade.

Course web page:
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Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
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The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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