

Survey of History of Dance and Ballet 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107PDT1 Z 4 2+2/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Creation of a wider awareness of the cultural significance and function of dance from the oldest stages of human development to the Renaissance. Introduction to the basic sources of knowledge of the forms of dance culture and types of dances in individual periods. An understanding of the role of dance in society.

Mode of study:

Lecture, seminar

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Good bearing in history in general at least at the middle-school level. Knowledge of the basic features of artistic periods.

Recommended optional programme components:

No electives required.

Course contents:

Dance as part of ancient ceremony. Types of dance according to their function in society. The basics of dance formations, archeological findings in relation to dance. Dance culture of theocratic realms, common features, institutional temple dance. Sources of knowledge. Differences in individual cultures in Egypt, Mezopotamia, China and Japan. The oldest essays on dance, relations of dance and religious and world theatre in those realms. Popularity of dance in Greek society, types of dance and their societal function, the ideal of Kalokagathia. Mentions of dance in tragedy and comedy. Pantomime dance in Rome. The early Middle Ages, first reports of dance in Europe. Estampida and the first dance melodies. Dance in early christian service. Medieval scholarship and negative reactions to dance. Gothic dance manifestations, choreomania, Danse Macabre as a form of morality in Medieval religious theatre. Basse dance as the first known artificial form of dance. Changes in societal relations in dance in the Renaissance. Czech dance masters. The first dance tracts. Types of Renaissance dance. The start of dance and music suites. Dance for watching: Balla and Morris dance. The rise of court ballet and its structure. Choreographic principles of Mannerism. Figures which influenced the development of court dance. The form of court ballet in the 1st half of the 17th century.

Recommended or required reading:

Kirstein, Lincoln: Dance. A Short History of Classic Theatrical Dancing. Princeton, New Jersey 1987

Payne, Ian: The Almain in Britain, c. 1549-c.1675. Ashgate Publishing, Hampshire, England 2003

Lexová, Irena: O staroegyptském tanci. Orientální ústav, Praha 1930

Arbeau, Thoinot: Orchesography. Dover Books, New York 1967

Kröschlová, Eva: Dobové tance 16. až 19. století. Skupinové formy. SPN Praha 1980

Kirstein, Lincoln: Four Centuries of Ballet. Fifty Masterworks. Dover Publications, New York 1984

Rumlová, Gabriela: Historické tance XV.-XVII. století. Skripta AMU, SPN Praha 1979

Brodská, Božena: Vybrané kapitoly z dějin baletu, AMU 2000

Jůzl, Miloš, a kol.: Dějiny umělecké kultiry I. SPN Praha, 1989

Brodská, Božena: Zdivadelnění tance v renesanci a baroku. In: Taneční listy 4/1999, s. 12

Matoušová-Rajmová, Marie: Magie a tanec v Mezopotámii. In: Taneční listy 9/2002, s. 16

Wood, Melusine: Some Historical Dances 12th to 19th Century.London, 1952

Kazárová, Helena: Tanec při úsvitu lidského rodu. In: Taneční listy září 1998, s. 18

Kazárová, Helena: Tanec ve starověkých civilizacích I. In: Taneční listy říjen 1998, s.18

Kazárová, Helena: Tanec ve starověkých civilizacích II. In: Taneční listy listopad 1998. s. 18

Kazárová, Helena: Tanec v antickém světě. In: Taneční listy prosinec 1998, s. 18

Kazárova, Helena: Taneční svět renesance. In: Taneční listy 3/1999, s. 14

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Instructor presented material using clear iconographic examples, videos, and readings of translated sources. Classes include analyses and practice of elementary examples of social dance from discussed periods.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Active participation in lectures and classes. Completion of the continuing test.

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Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
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Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
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