

Folk Dance Education Seminar 4

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107PSL4 Z 3 1/T Czech summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course is linked to the course Folkdance Instruction Seminar 3. It covers the Slovácko and Wallachian regions.

Mode of study:

Watching films, dance recordings of individual areas and the mastery of selected dances in the course in the dance hall.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Independent student activity. Focused on acquireing information about the given region whose development will be used in teaching folkdance.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Dance in Slovacko: From Hodonin to the confluence of the Morava and Dyje rivers which is Podluží. National slavic enclaves made up of Moravian Croatians in the area of Mikulov.

a) Hanácke Slovácko: Skočna z Krumpiře, Verbuňk z Čejkovi, Doškářská-slámková

b) Podluží and dances of Moravian Croatians: Vrtěna z Lanžhota, z Tvrdoni, z Moravské Nové Vsi, Hošije z Tvrdoni, Verbuňk z Podluží, Husarský verbuňk z Podluži, Hanačka z Těšic, Třasak z Podluží, Wedding dance (porta) of Moravian Croatians, Vrtená of Moravian Croatians.

Dances from Valašska: Valašsko is a mountainous region in the eastern part of the Czech Republic on the border with the Slovak Republic. Wallachian folk culture is at its core a shepherding culture and has many connections to other shepherding culture of the Carpathian massif.

a) Northern Wallachia: Tkalčovský z Trojanovic, Kohut z Trojanovic, Valaský z Rožnova pod Radhoštěm, Zatáčaný a Šantavý z Rožnova p/Radhoštěm, Pilky z Rožnov, Šubry z Rožnova, Požehnaný z Rožnova, Šindelový z Husitska, Ruská polka z Husitska,

b) Central Wallachia: Zvrtaný z Velkých Karlovic, Šotyška z Velkých Karlovic, Černá vlnka, Zbojnický s Káčerem z N.Hrozenkova, Zajíček z N. Hrozenkova, Valaská z Jasenky, z Lužné, z Rusavy, Raubčíček z Rusavy, Gúlaná s maďarou ze Zlínska, Šotyška z Jasenné

c) Southern Wallachia: Točená ze Študlova, z Popova, z Nedašova, Prešpurská Šotyška z Valašskoklobucka, Valašský odzemek a obuškový.

Odzemek a obuškový are particular mens dances and the possibilities are quite broad. Students try to find their own manner of these dances, both Odzemek and Obuškový are improvisations for each dancer.

Recommended or required reading:

Jelínková, Zdenka: Lidové tance z Čech, Moravy a Slezska, díl VII. Slovácko, Ústav lidové kultury Strážnice 1996.

Bartoš, František: Lid a národ II, Velké Meziříčí 1885.

Jelínková, Zdenka: výběr z široké řady publikací

Kos, Bohumil; Struska, F.: Mužské lidové tance, Praha 1953.

Moravští Charváti, dějiny a lidová kultura (Antologie), Brno 1991.

Sušil, František: Moravské národní písně a nápěvy, Brno 1860.

Kos, Bohumil: Valašský Odzemek, Praha 1953.

Jelínková, Zdenka: Lidové tance z Čech, Moravy a Slezska díl VIII. Valašsko, Ústav lidové kultury Strážnice 1994.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

This course is linked to „Folk Dance Education 3“. This course covers Wallach and Slovacka areas. Students create a movement for a given area. VHS cassettes with authentic recordings of native dancers from those areas are used in instruction.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Partipation in class, preparation of at least one movement-dance variation for the folklore area covered (technique preparations of the dance skills of the given area) are required.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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