

Techniques of Classsical Dance 5

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107TK5 Z 3 2/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim of the course is to provide students a detailed knoweldge of classical dance technique, provide an understanding of the principles of creating individual elements and phrases so one may work with them in instruction. Instruction follows dance conservatory curricula.

Mode of study:

This course is linked to Classical Dance Technique 4 and is related to Classical Dance methodology. In this semester elements of the advanced level of instruction are covered, primarily the 6th study year level at a dance conservatory. Emphasis remains placed upon the instructional aspects of adopting dance technique.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Presumed developed knowledge of classical dance technique. The aim is not performer but instructor training. Instruction is linked from semester to semester. The completion of the previous semester is necessary.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Systematic development of new elements in Classical dance in the 6th year to which we add some important new elements of the 7th and 8th year. We focus on the mastery and understanding of the most demanding elements and phrases in the final phase of instruction. Even though new elements are explained and, at the beginning, executed in simple forms, the subsequent combinations and phrases are much more complex, choreographically diverse and technically demanding. Our aim is the training of a new instructor and not performer. However, one's own practice and experience can be used by the instructor professionally.

An emphasis is placed on practicing all types of pirouettes and grand pirouttes and grand adagios. Work with arms and head is developed and particular attention is paid to movement dynamics when in the final phase is considers fundamental for future artistic performance.

We begin working at a very fast tempo, however, we may not neglect clean execution.

Recommended or required reading:

A.Vaganovová: Základy klasického tance, 1980 Praha;

N.I. Tarasov: Klasický tanec, 1983 Praha;

V. Mejová - N. Bazarovová: Abeceda klasického tance I.-III., 1980 Praha;

N. Bazarovová: Abeceda klasického tance IV.-V., 1985 Praha;

V. Kostrovická - A. Pisarev: Klasičeskij taněc, 1976 Leningrad;

V. Kostrovická: 100 urokov klasičeskogo taňca, 1972 Leningrad;

Akademija russkogo baleta A. Vaganovovoj (Klasické taneční osnovy), 2000 Petrohrad.;

V. Ždychincová - O. Pásková: Metodické poznámky ke klasickému tanci I. a II., 1973 Praha;

Group authors under the guidance of G.Lorinc: Methodik des klassischen Tanzes, 1975 Berlin;

V. Janeček: Metodika klasického tance v umělecké škole (Cecchettiho metoda), 1993 Praha;

C. Beaumont - Idzikovský: A Manual of the Theory and Practice of Classical Theatrical Dancing - Cecchetti method, 1932 London;

W.Warren: Classical Ballet Technique, 1989 Florida;

S. Lifar: Traité de Danse Academique;

S. Schorer: Balanchine Technique, 1999 New York;

T. Karsavina: Ballet Technique;

J. Gabriel: Ballet School;

Maria Fay: Mind over body, 1997 London;

L. Kirstein: Ballet Alphabet, 1939 New York;

G. Grant: Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet, 1967 New York;


Ballet on CD-ROM by V.Morgan;


Slovník klasického baletu, Balanchine Esseys - SAB (1994 New York);

D. Howard - Beginners (1981 New York), Intermediets,

M.Fay - Faults, Corrections, Perfections (1990 Londýn),

F. Jhung - Basic Ballet ( 2002 New York),

B. Fewster - Pointe by Point (1980 Londýn),

Bujones in Class (1986 Danzart)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Classical dance instruction techniques.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on: advance technique skill in classical dance. Active participation.

Course web page:
Výuka předmětu je podporována e-learningovou formou.


Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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