

Folk Dance Techniques 5

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107TL5 Z 3 2/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Students are to achieve the masterfull performance of folkdance steps.

Mode of study:

Performance of presented dances. Individual variations and whole dances with their variants. Students develop their skills in a dance hall.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Active participation in lessons. Creation of variations from coverd steps and their phrasing with emphasis on the regional characteristics.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Dance step material: Rokycanská, Hulán, Kalamajka a Maděra, Bystřický and Trnka, Ruška z Opavska, Mrákotín, Polonéz, Černá vlnka

Students read dance notation descriptions and help each other learn them. They first select dance steps that need to be technically mastered and then the entire dance motif. Step motifs are exchanged and enriched in execution, partner holds and in space. Joining steps: Sousedská and three-beat turning steps, Single and double Zakladáčká, turns in semi-running in connection with Wallachian steps, Maděra Polka with hops jumps and girls turning, Russian Polka and its variations in partner holds and without holds changing partner places, Hopping turning Obkročák to more difficult directions = in direction of the circle to the left, opposite circling to the right, divided Polonez step with divisions into 1, 2, and 3 beat measures, Polonez Quadrille, Wallachian Cifrováni variations for dances Černá vlnka a Bystřický a Trnka. Various manners of playing out some dance and their space and step variations. Executing an entiredance with piano accompaniment and its reading then with music recording accompaniment: Students studz the entire dance notation. They work with piano accompaniment and notation. The dance is discussed in individual sections which the students mark in he notation. Music recordings are used for the technical mastery of the dance. To master the dance several repetitions are needed. Each dance has its own final form and other tempo than that to which the students are used to with piano accompaniment and when played with folk music the experience is completely different.

Recommended or required reading:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

This course is linked to „Folk Dance Technique 4.“ Students contribute to the masterful execution of folk dance steps, smaller and larger portions of dances. They also enrich their knowledge of the dance repertoire of individual regions.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on: activity in exercises, knowledge of the dances covered and their variations.

Course web page:
Výuka předmětu je podporována e-learningovou formou.


Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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