Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
108ET | ZK | 1 | 2/T | Czech | winter |
- Subject guarantor:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The course aim is to introduce Music Management students to the basic of managing the discipline where real situations will often show up in their practice and in the long line of subjects, the economic and legal considerations (including music profession issues) will be neglected. A presentation of the basic concepts of ethics (free decision, moral norms, conscious, etc.). A presentation of the relationships of ethics and morality, ethics and the law, ethics and economics (ethics and entreprenurialship, ethics and commerce).
- Mode of study:
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
- Recommended optional programme components:
- Course contents:
An obligatory course for 3rd year bachelor's Music management study. Instruction is 2 hours per week in the Winter semester.
Topic Series 1: Basic categories of ethics as a philosophical discipline, ethics terminology.
Topic series 2: A brief outline of the development of ethics from antiquity to the present.
Topic series 3: Contemporary, current ethics issues and their relation to general moral foundations, applied law, establishment of ethics rules and foundations in the hierarchy of rules important for activities in cultural management.
Model topics of ethics: Ethics and the law, ethics and business, ethics and finance, ethics and sponsorship, ethics and advertisement, and other topics.
- Recommended or required reading:
Příkaský, Jiljí V.: Etika. Učebnice základů etiky. - Kostelní Vydří, Karmelitánské Nakladatelství 2000
Anzenbacher, Arno: Úvod do etiky, Praha, Zvon, 1994
Aristoteles: Nikomachova etika. - Praha, Jan Laichter 1937 (nově Rezek, 1996)
Bauman, Z.: Postmoderne Ethik. - Hamburg 1995
Brázda, Radim: Úvod do srovnávací etiky. - Praha, KLP 1998
Brentano, Franz: O původu mravního poznání. - Praha, Naše vojsko 1993
Buber, Martin: Já a ty. - Olomouc, Votobia 1995
Cicero: O povinnostech. - Praha, Svoboda 1970
Epikuros: Myšlenky o štěstí a mravnosti. - Praha, Svoboda 1972
Fichte, Johann Gotlieb: Systém etiky podle principů vědosloví. - Pravda 1981
Fromm, Erich: Anatomie lidské destruktivity. - NLN 1997
Fromm, Erich: Mít nebo být?.- Praha, Naše vojsko 1992
Fromm, Erich: Umění být. - Praha, Naše vojsko 1994
Jung, Carl Gustav: Duše moderního člověka. - Brno, Atlantis 1994
Kant, Immanuel: Kritika praktického rozumu. - Praha, Svoboda 1996
Kant, Immanuel: Základy metafyziky mravů. - Praha, Svoboda 1996
Locke, John: Dopis o toleranci. - Brno, Atlantis 1999
Locke, John: O výchově. - Praha, SPN 1984
Machiavelli, Niccolo: Vladař. - Ivo Železný 1997
Mackie, J.L.: Ethik. Die Erfindung des moralisch Richtigen und Falschen. - Stuttgart, Reclam 1981
Nakonečný, Milan: Základy psychologie osobnosti. - Management Press 1993
Ricken, Friedo: Obecná etika. - Oikúmené 1994
Rich, Arthur: Etika hospodářství. - Oikúmené 1994
Seneca: Výbor z listů Luciliovi. Praha, Svoboda 1987
Schweitzer, Albert: Křesťanská sociální etika. - Praha, ÚCN 1960
Singer, P.: Practical Ethics. - Cambridge 1993
Skoblík, Jiří: Přehled křesťanské etiky. - Praha, Karolinum 1997
Spinoza, Benedikt: Etika vyložená způsobem užívaným v geometrii. - Praha, Svoboda 1977
Sutor, Bernhard: Politická etika. - Oikúmené 1996
Thompson, Mel: Přehled etiky. - Praha, Portál 2004
Weber, Max: Autorita, etika a společnost. - Praha, Mladá fronta 1997
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Participation in lectures, mastery of the lectured material, readings of recommended study literature.
- Assessment methods and criteria:
Exam over the lecture material at the end of the Winter semester.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel Tue 15:20–16:50 DVOŘÁKOVÁ J. Učebna KTDH 2057
Lichenštejnský palácpřednášková par. 1 - Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Obor Hudební management (Bc) (next compulsory subject)
- Obor Zvuková tvorba (Mg) (optional subject)