

Sociology 1

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
108SOC1 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The course aim is to introduce basic sociology topics and learn an independent critical view of current social issues through lectures, group discussions and analysis of sociology writings.

Mode of study:

contact instruction

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Course paper of 2-3 pages (critical analysis of a sociology text. An essay on a sociology topic or written documentation for a paper presented in a lecture.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

1. Invitation to Sociology or what is sociology useful for?: particulars of a sociological view, purpose, importance and function of sociology, The subject of sociology and its internal divisions, relation to other sciences.

2. Development of sociological thought: a historical overview of the development of sociological thought. Important figures in sociology (A. Comte, K. Marx, M. Weber, E. Durkheim, G. Simmel), Basic currents in modern sociology (consensus theory, conflict and interpretative sociology), Czech sociology.

3. Social groups and organizations: classification of social forms (social groups, agregates, crowds, public, social categories), Basic markings of a social group, dynamics of small social groups, sociometrics, social institutions and social organization, bureaucracy theory.

4. Social stratification: castes, status, classes, layers, models of social stratification, social status and its indicators, social mobility, social inequality and its legitimization.

5. Socialization and social control: theory of social roles and their critique, personality and identity of the individual (naturalness vs. upbringing), process of socialization and individualization, social control and deviation.

6. Media and mass communication: sociological view of media, characteristics of mass communication. Opinion leader theory and two-level communication flows, classification of society according to the prevailing types of media (M. McLuhan). Hyper-reality.

Recommended or required reading:


Jandourek, J.:Úvod do sociologie. Praha, Portál 2003

Giddens, A.:Sociologie. Praha, Argo, 2001

Disman, M.:Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost. Praha, Karolinum 1993, (kap. 3-7, 10)

Šubrt, J. a kol.:Kapitoly ze sociologie veřejného mínění, Praha, Karolinum 1998, (str. 73-164)

Velký sociologický slovník, kol. autorů, Praha, Karolinum 1996

Additional literature::

Bauman, Z.:Myslet sociologicky: Netradiční uvedení do sociologie. Praha, SLON 1996

Bauman, Z.:Globalizace. Důsledky pro člověka. Praha, Mladá fronta, 2000

Bauman, Z.:Modernita a holocaust. Praha, SLON 2004

Bek, M.:Vybrané kapitoly z hudební sociologie. FF UP, Olomouc 1993

Berger, P. L.: Pozvání do sociologie. Praha, FMO 1991

Buriánek, J.: Sociologie. Praha, Fortuna 1996

Blaukopf, K.:Musical Live in a Charging Society. Amadeus Press, Oregon 1992 (v originálu: Musik Wandel der Gesellschaft, Berlin 1984)

Cuin, C.-H., Gresle, F.: Dějiny sociologie, Praha, SLON 2004

Keller, J.: Úvod do sociologie. Praha, SLON 1991

Keller, J.:Dějiny klasické sociologie, Praha, SLON 2004

Montoussé, M., Renouard, G.: Přehled sociologie. Praha, Portál 2005

Petrusek, M.:Společnosti pozdní doby.SLON 2007

Petrusek, M.: Sociologie. Praha, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství 1992

Petrusek, M., Miltová, A., Vodáková, A.: Sociologické školy, směry, paradigmata. Praha, SLON 2000

Osborne, R., van Loon, B.: Sociologie (jako komiks). Praha, Portál 2002

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Activity in lectures.

Course web page: Sociologický ústav AV ČR


Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
místnost 1041
Učebna KTDH 1041

(Lichenštejnský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Fri 15:50–17:20 SEDLÁČKOVÁ M. Učebna KTDH 1041
Lichenštejnský palác
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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