

Theatre Literary Management 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
109DAD2 ZK 3 2/T Czech summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1. Knowledge of dramaturgy theory in original work i mime theatre and new circus.

2. Knolwedge of historical context of all elements of original works.

3. Individual and specific approaches to the mime genre - analysis of original project.

4. Survey of the most important cultural spaces and theatres of contemporary mime arts, mime theatre and new circus centers, schools and festivals.

Mode of study:

Theory instruction in all elements of the mime process - performer - creator.

Overview of modern mime theatre and new circus

Theatre ensembles, performers, centers, schools and Mime arts festivals.

The main genres and development of mime theatre and new circus.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Basic knowledge of historical and modern theatre, mime and dance arts. Good bearing in modern directions and developments of the main genres of mime theatre and new circus.

Recommended optional programme components:

Individual study of partial topics which are related to the student's creation. Investigating trade literature. Development of classes and analysis of the given topic. Classification and viewing video samples, photo-documentation and other archive material.

Course contents:

Original works theory instruction in mime theatre.

Libretto, libretto and mime, libretto forms and fundamentals, libretto and new mime.

Acting and mime, characteristics acting arts and mime acting sources, mime requirements, mime and its trade.

Space, set design, lighting design, costuming and music element.

Dramaturgy basics and directing in mime theatre.

The audience, theatre operation, advertisement and PR.

Instruction in the historical relations of all elements of orginal creations.

Recommended or required reading:

Barrault, J.-L.: Som divadelník, Bratislava 1966

Brook, Peter: Prázdný prostor, Londýn 1968

Cihlář, Ondřej: Nový cirkus, Praha 2006

Craig, E.G.: O divadelním umění, Praha 2006

Dvořák, Jan: Příští vlna/Next Wave, Praha 1996

Dvořák, Jan: Alternativní divadlo, Praha 2000

Dvořák, Jan: Kolotoč/Mimoza, Praha 1988

Evans, Mark: Jacques Copeau, London 2006

Hyvnar, Jan: Herec v moderním divadle, Praha 2000

Hyvnar, Jan: Francouzská divadelní reforma, Praha 1997

Rémy, T.: Klauniády, Praha 1968

Svoboda, Josef: Tajemství divadelního prostoru, Praha 1992

Šavlíková, Kateřina: Jan Nebeský, Praha 2008

Švehla, J.: Tisícileté umění pantomimy, Praha 1989

Vébr, Václav: Příběh pantomimy, Praha 2006

Žižka, Tomáš a kolektiv: Site-specific-divadelní projekty, Praha 2008

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

no info

Assessment methods and criteria:

Attendance in instruction, workshops, exhibitions and group classes with artists and groups of contemporary mimes and new circus.

Preparation of one's course paper and analysis related to topics of practical and theory interests.

Conditions for the award of credit and the exam are the successfull completion of the test and oral exam.

Course web page:

No info

Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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