

Dramaturgy 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
201DTM2 ZK 10 4/T Czech summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Knowledge and skills acquired in the bachelor's study of dramaturgy are completed by independent student work. Together, directing students select a piece and assemble a dramaturgy plan for the school DISK theatre. In this they must not only try to express their attitudes to theatre and the world but also be aware of limits of the given potential of the cast and necessity to ensure quality work for the entire acting ensemble of their classmates. They go through exercises in conditions which simulate regular theatre drama theatre operation. In this they continue to expand their education and skills in reviewing a theatre performance that their potential professional application may be the broadest possible.

An important part of the production preparations are the original, translation or editing activities of the dramaturgy students, growing from the dramaturgic-directing concept, which the directing students form together. Also important is the analysis and review of the entire process of the production and its audience response, rendered in a course paper and subsequently in a thesis.

1) Creation of the dramaturgic plan and dramaturgy of a single piece in the school DISK theatre which a model of professional drama theatre operations.

2) Writing preparations for the presented drama and all related press materials.

3) A written review of the rehearsal process of the production and its results including the audience reaction at the premier and in repeat performances..

Mode of study:

Classes, preparations for a DISK production, written review of the rehearsal process.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Knowledge of dramaturgy at the bachelor's level.

Recommended optional programme components:

Monitoring of the contemporary form of Czech and World theatre. A knowledge of drama and theory literature novelties.

Course contents:

Knowledge and skills acquired in dramaturgy bachelor's study are completed through the independent creative work of the students. Together, directing students select a play and assemble the dramaturgy plan for the school DISK theatre. At the same time they must work to express their stance towards the world and theatre but keep and eye on the limits given by the potential casting and necessity to ensure quality work for the entire acting ensemble of their classmates. They rehearse in conditions which simulate the operations of a regular professional theatre. At the same time they continue to enrich their education foundations and review skills in theatre performance so their potential professional application will be as broad as possible.

An important part of the preparations of the production is the original, translation or editing activities of the dramaturgy students, arising fro the dramaturgy-directing concept which is created with the directing students. As important is the analysis and review of the entire process of the start of the production and its theatre response, caught in a course paper and eventually a thesis.

Topics covered:

1) Acquiring information about a drama. Working with theatre agencies, writers and translators

2) Searching for appropriate plays for a particular creative team and cast

3) Assembling the dramaturgy plan

4) Dramaturgy preparations of a play. Analysis, interpretation, creation of the dramaturgy-directing concept

5) Writing work on a particular play: abridging, translation revision, adjustments, adaptations, dramatizations

6) Writing and editing of all printed materials: advertising materials, production programs, information for press conferences

7) Participation in rehearsals and performances and their review, completed with a written record of the entire process.

Recommended or required reading:

Roman Ingarden: O poznávání literárního díla, Praha 1967, ev. od téhož autora Umělecké dílo literární, Praha 1989

Jan Císař:Základy dramaturgie I,II

Jaroslav Vostrý: Činoherní klub 1965-1972, Praktická dramaturgie, Praha 1996

Miroslav Procházka: Znaky dramatu a divadla, Praha 1988

Milan Lukeš: Umění dramatu, Praha 1987

J. L. Styan: Prvky dramatu, Praha 1964

J. L. Styan: Černá komedie, Praha 1967

Peter Szondi: Teória modernej drámy, Bratislava 1969

Jiří Levý: Umění překladu, Praha 1963

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

DISK dramaturgy plan preparations. Creation of the dramaturgy-directing concept of the selected work. Cooperation of the dramaturgist with the director. Review of the reheasal process. Completion of the course paper.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Conditions for successful completion of the course: class participation, completion and presentation of assignments, execution of the Summary creative project.

During the semester independent reading, participation in class discussions, completion of assignments on time, minimum of 70% attendance are required. The overall grading is comprised of 30% for class participation, 30% for assignment completion and 40% for the Summary creative project.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
místnost K104

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Fri 15:00–17:00 SÍLOVÁ Z. Učebna
Karlova 26, Praha 1
paralelka 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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