

Changes of Authorship 1

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
202PRA1 Z 2 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Přemysl RUT
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Student view their efforts as writers as a part of a broader context. They are better aware of their position and of advantages and pitfalls. They are to rid themselves of the feeling that originality only starts with their attempts.

What does it mean to be „creator?“ What are and how do conditions, forms and the results of creativy change? The relation of society to the creator (and with them and the creator's self-awareness) in various historical periods and situations is different: sometimes the creator's "usefulness' is a trade, sometimes the creator must fight for their existence. In some cultures the focal point of creativity is common narration, in other is shifts to the expression of one's unique experience. All these challenges, environmnents and concepts have, of course, a significant influence on creativity itself, that is the form and structure of the work.

Mode of study:

Cycle of lectures (two semesters) in which individual creating modes are documented through examples of various areas of creative work (across arts' disciplines).

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Presumed in original efforts and not only spontaneous but conscious and confident. Aside from a systematic review of one's experience also an interest in the original works experience of others, particularly those who have provided evidence of it.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Aside from a bearing in the approaches to original creations, this course involves the self-identification of each student: an awarenest of one's direction and idea foundations in which they begin.

Recommended or required reading:

Literature on culture history and theory, author personal beliefs who reviewed their own works. Specific titles are recommended in classes considering personal topics of individual students.

Apollinaire: O novém umění

Brecht: Myšlenky

Bunin: Proklaté dny

Camus: Mýtus o Sisyfovi

Canetti: Svědomí slov

Cvetajevová: Básník a čas

Čapek: Marsyas

Dubuffet: Dusivá kultura

Durych: Váhy života a umění

Eliot: O básnictví a básnících

Flaubert: Dopisy

Gombrowicz: Deník I - II

Hugo: Předmluva ke Cromwellovi

Ionesco: Střípky deníku

Kafka: Deníky

Kandinsky: O duchovnosti v umění

Mann: Jak jsem psal Doktora Fausta

Milosz: Svědectví poezie

Musil: Eseje, Nezval: Moderní básnické směry

Paz: Luk a lyra

Poe: Filosofie básnické skladby

Proust: Eseje

Seifert: Všechny krásy světa

Sgallová - Kroupa (eds.): O umění básnickém a dramatickém (Lope de Vega, Racine...)

Verlaine: Prokletí básníci

Woolfová: Vlastní pokoj

Zábrana (ed.): Jak se dělá báseň (Poe, Kolář...)

Zahradníček: Oslice Balaamova

Chalupecký: Na hranicích umění

Tertullianus: O hrách

A.Vyskočil: Marginalia

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Primarily original attempts without which it is impossible to understand the issues original creations of others.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Asside from participation, an interest in diverse orginators' experience and (written) review of one's own is fundamental. The manner of acknowledgement of the course taken is semi-year credit. At the end of the year the exam is based on the defense of the written (self) review.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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