

History of Stage Design 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
203DEA2 ZK 6 3/T English summer
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Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To introduce students to the history of set-design on the European continent, its most important stages and relationships. To acquaint students with methods used in the creation of a setting space and clarify their principles.

Mode of study:

Lectures with samples by the most important Czech set-designers. Samples of the memoirs of the National Museum Theatre Dept. Sources of inspiration and relationships to European set-design.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

DEA 1 Lectures

Recommended optional programme components:

Visits to contemporary productions and subsequent analysis from a scenic design viewpoint.

Course contents:

Lectures and classes with presentations of the most important set design works of the Czech theatre avand garde of the 1920s and 30s. A course paper on a selected topic in the history of avant garde set design. Searching for sources of inspiration and relations to set design.

- Vlastislav Hofman and the beginnings of Czech theatre expressionism

- Josef Čapek - relationship of painting and set design

- František Troester - scenic urbansim and imagination

- Theatregraph D 34, E.F. Burian, Laterna Magika

- Alexandr Vladimir Hrska and Antonin Heythum

- František Zelenka - pre-war effects and Terezin

- Beřich Feuerstein, František Muzika

- Josef Svoboda and new stage technology.

Recommended or required reading:

-Monografie jednotlivých scénografů vydané Divadelním ústavem :

Josef Svoboda, Marcel Pokorný , Květoslav Bubeník , Joan Brehms , Adolf Wenig, Zbyněk Kolář, Vladimír Nývlt , Oldřich Šimáček , Jaroslav Malina

-Burian Jarka M., Modern Czech Theatre, Iowa City 2000

-A Mirror of World Theatre ? PQ95,99, Prague 2001

-Brandesky J., Metaphor and Irony Revisited, Iowa 2007

-Blake Jody, An Eye for the Stage, San Antonio 2004

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Visits to fine arts exhibits, the scenic design depositary of the Theatre dept. of the National Museum.

Assessment methods and criteria:

75% attendance at lectures and classes, independent creation of the course paper and its presentation (approx. 10 pages of text), final exam through an exam, or as the case may be an oral exam.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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