

History of Stage Design 1

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
203DSC1 Z 5 5/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Formulation of theory studies with topics of the year's paper. Analysis of contemporary productions from a set-design perspective.

Mode of study:

A course on specific selected master's projects, comparison of prepared production in a historic context, reasoning in use of set-design methods and their application. Investigating parallel and sources of inspiration, researching source materialfor a given production, analysis of historical productions.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Bachelor's knowledge of the history of scenic design.

Recommended optional programme components:

Visits to contemporary productions and subsequent analysis from a scenic design viewpoint.

Course contents:

Demonstration of a knowledge of principles in working with source material, using awareness of the development of set design, application of knowledge trade writings dealing with the genesis of a drama.

Recommended or required reading:

Craig Edward Gordon : O divadelním umění, Divadelní ústav 2007

Vacková Růžena: Výtvarný projev v dramatickém umění, Praha 1948

Zich Otakar: Estetika dramatického umění, Praha 1931

Hilar Karel Hugo : O divadle, Divadelní ústav 2002

Frejka Jiří :Divadlo je vesmír, Divadelní ústav 2004

Jindra Vladimír: Scénografické principy I.,II, DAMU 1984

Aronson Arnold: Pohled do propasti, Divadelní ústav 2007

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Analysis of contemporary productions from the viewpoint of knowledge of traditional scenic design methods. Practical application of trade terminology. Visits to exhibitions and subsequent classes on methods applied in fine arts exhibitions (exhibition content, scientific contributions, exhibition critique, architectural treatment, graphics, lighting, etc.)

Assessment methods and criteria:

75% class attendance, independent creation of the final master's thesis (approx. 20 pages of text).

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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